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Chef Infra Server API

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The Chef Infra Server API is a REST API that provides access to objects on the Chef Infra Server, including nodes, environments, roles, users, organizations, cookbooks (and cookbook versions), and is used to manage an API client list and the associated RSA public key-pairs.


The Chef Infra Server API has the following requirements:

  • The Accept header must be set to application/json.
  • For PUT and POST requests, the Content-Type header must be set to application/json.
  • The X-Chef-Version header must be set to the version of the Chef Infra Server API that is being used.
  • A request must be signed by adding authentication headers. ‘Mixlib::Authentication’ may be used to sign requests.
  • A request must be well-formatted. The easiest way to ensure a well-formatted request is to use the Chef::ServerAPI library.

Authentication Headers

Authentication to the Chef Infra Server requires a specific set of HTTP headers signed using a private key that is associated with the client making the request. The request is authorized if the Chef Infra Server can verify the signature using the public key. Only authorized actions are allowed.


Most authentication requests made to the Chef Infra Server are abstracted from the user. Such as when using knife or the Chef Infra Server user interface. In some cases, such as when using the knife exec subcommand, the authentication requests need to be made more explicitly, but still in a way that does not require authentication headers. In a few cases, such as when using arbitrary Ruby code, a Chef Infra Server API client, or cURL, it may be necessary to include the full authentication header as part of the request to the Chef Infra Server.

Required Headers

The following authentication headers are required:

AcceptThe format in which response data from the Chef Infra Server is provided. This header must be set to application/json.
Content-TypeThe format in which data is sent to the Chef Infra Server. This header is required for PUT and POST requests and must be set to application/json.
HostThe host name (and port number) to which a request is sent. (Port number 80 does not need to be specified.) For example: (which is the same as or
MethodThe method from the request.
PathOmit for Authentication Version 1. Specify for Authentication Version 1.3
X-Chef-VersionThe version of the Chef Infra Client executable from which a request is made. This header ensures that responses are in the correct format. For example: 12.0.2 or 11.16.x.
X-Ops-Authorization-NOne (or more) 60 character segments that comprise the canonical header. A canonical header is signed with the private key used by the client machine from which the request is sent, and is also encoded using Base64. If more than one segment is required, each should be named sequentially, e.g. X-Ops-Authorization-1, X-Ops-Authorization-2, X-Ops-Authorization-N, where N represents the integer used by the last header that is part of the request.
X-Ops-Content-HashFor API Version 1. The result of the SHA-1 hash of the request body encoded using Base64. Base64 encoding should have line breaks every 60 characters.
For API Version 1.3. The result of the SHA-256 hash of the request body encoded using Base64. Base64 encoding should have line breaks every 60 characters.
X-Ops-Server-API-VersionUse X-Ops-Server-API-Version to specify the version of the Chef Infra Server API. For example: X-Ops-Server-API-Version: 1. X-Ops-Server-API-Version: 0 is supported for use with Chef Infra Server version 12, but will be deprecated as part of the next major release.
X-Ops-SignSet this header to the following value: algorithm=sha1,version=1.0 or version=1.3.
X-Ops-TimestampThe timestamp, in ISO-8601 format and with UTC indicated by a trailing Z and separated by the character T. For example: 2013-03-10T14:14:44Z.
X-Ops-UserIdThe name of the API client whose private key will be used to create the authorization header.


Use X-Ops-Server-API-Info to identify the version of the Chef Infra Server API.

Canonical Header Format 1.0 using SHA-1

The signed headers are encrypted using the OpenSSL RSA_private_encrypt method and encoded in Base64. The signed headers are used to create one or more X-Ops-Authorization-N headers of 60 character segments. The canonical header should be created by concatenating the following headers, encrypting and encoding:



  • HTTP_METHOD is the method used in the API request (GET, POST, and so on)
  • HASHED_PATH is the path of the request: /organizations/NAME/name_of_endpoint. The HASHED_PATH must be hashed using SHA-1 and encoded using Base64, must not have repeated forward slashes (/), must not end in a forward slash (unless the path is /), and must not include a query string.
  • X-Ops-Content-Hash is the Base64 encoded SHA256 hash of the json body of the request.
  • X-Ops-Timestamp UTC time in RFC3339 format.
  • X-Ops-UserId is the plain text client or user name.

The Chef Infra Server decrypts this header and ensures its content matches the content of the non-encrypted headers that were in the request. The timestamp of the message is checked to ensure the request was received within a reasonable amount of time. One approach generating the signed headers is to use mixlib-authentication, which is a class-based header signing authentication object similar to the one used by Chef Infra Client.


The following example shows an authentication request:

GET /organizations/NAME/nodes HTTP/1.1
  Accept: application/json
  Accept-Encoding: gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3
  User-Agent: Chef Knife/12.0.2 (ruby-2.1.1-p320; ohai-8.0.0; x86_64-darwin12.0.2; +
  X-Chef-Version: 12.0.2
  X-Ops-Authorization-1: BE3NnBritishaf3ifuwLSPCCYasdfXaRN5oZb4c6hbW0aefI
  X-Ops-Authorization-2: sL4j1qtEZzi/2WeF67UuytdsdfgbOc5CjgECQwqrym9gCUON
  X-Ops-Authorization-3: yf0p7PrLRCNasdfaHhQ2LWSea+kTcu0dkasdfvaTghfCDC57
  X-Ops-Authorization-4: 155i+ZlthfasfasdffukusbIUGBKUYFjhbvcds3k0i0gqs+V
  X-Ops-Authorization-5: /sLcR7JjQky7sdafIHNfsBQrISktNPower1236hbFIayFBx3
  X-Ops-Authorization-6: nodilAGMb166@haC/fttwlWQ2N1LasdqqGomRedtyhSqXA==
  X-Ops-Content-Hash: 2jmj7l5rfasfgSw0ygaVb/vlWAghYkK/YBwk=
  X-Ops-Server-API-Info: 1
  X-Ops-Sign: algorithm=sha1;version=1.0;
  X-Ops-Userid: user_id
  X-Ops-Timestamp: 2014-12-12T17:13:28Z

Canonical Header Format 1.3 using SHA-256

Chef Infra Server versions 12.4.0 and above support signing protocol version 1.3, which adds support for SHA-256 algorithms. It can be enabled on Chef Infra Client via the client.rb file:

authentication_protocol_version = '1.3'

And for Chef’s knife CLI via config.rb:

knife[:authentication_protocol_version] = '1.3'

To create the signed headers for direct use. Gather the following headers in the order listed, convert the signature headers to a concatenated string, sign and Base64 encode the result. The concatenation of signature headers is signed using the client RSA private key, with SHA-256 hashing and PKCS1v15 padding. Chop the Base64 encoded value into 60 character chunks and create X-Ops-Authorization-N headers with the chunks.



  • HTTP_METHOD is the method used in the API request (GET, POST, …)
  • PATH is the path of the request: /organizations/NAME/name_of_endpoint. The value must not have repeated forward slashes (/), must not end in a forward slash (unless the path is /), and must not include a query string.
  • X-Ops-Content-Hash is the Base64 encoded SHA256 hash of the json body of the request.
  • X-Ops-Sign has the value “version=1.3”.
  • X-Ops-Timestamp UTC time in RFC3339 format.
  • X-Ops-UserId is the plain text client or user name.
  • X-Ops-Server-API-Version is the numeric value of the Chef Infra Server API.

The following example shows an authentication request:

GET /organizations/NAME/nodes HTTP/1.1
  Accept: application/json
  Accept-Encoding: gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3
  Method: GET
  Path: /organizations/NAME/nodes
  User-Agent: Chef Knife/12.0.2 (ruby-2.1.1-p320; ohai-8.0.0; x86_64-darwin12.0.2; +
  X-Chef-Version: 14.0.0
  X-Ops-Content-Hash: 2jmj7l5rfasfgSw0ygaVb/vlWAghYkK/YBwk=
  X-Ops-Authorization-1: BE3NnBritishaf3ifuwLSPCCYasdfXaRN5oZb4c6hbW0aefI
  X-Ops-Authorization-2: sL4j1qtEZzi/2WeF67UuytdsdfgbOc5CjgECQwqrym9gCUON
  X-Ops-Authorization-3: yf0p7PrLRCNasdfaHhQ2LWSea+kTcu0dkasdfvaTghfCDC57
  X-Ops-Authorization-4: 155i+ZlthfasfasdffukusbIUGBKUYFjhbvcds3k0i0gqs+V
  X-Ops-Authorization-5: /sLcR7JjQky7sdafIHNfsBQrISktNPower1236hbFIayFBx3
  X-Ops-Authorization-6: nodilAGMb166@haC/fttwlWQ2N1LasdqqGomRedtyhSqXA==
  X-Ops-Server-API-Info: 1
  X-Ops-Sign: version=1.3;
  X-Ops-Timestamp: 2014-12-12T17:13:28Z
  X-Ops-Userid: user_id

Knife API Requests

A knife plugin is a set of one (or more) subcommands that can be added to knife to support additional functionality that is not built-in to the base set of knife subcommands. Many of the knife plugins are built by members of the Chef community and several of them are built and maintained by Chef.

A knife plugin can be used to make authenticated API requests to the Chef Infra Server using the following methods:

rest.delete_restUse to delete an object from the Chef Infra Server.
rest.get_restUse to get the details of an object on the Chef Infra Server.
rest.post_restUse to add an object to the Chef Infra Server.
rest.put_restUse to update an object on the Chef Infra Server.

For example:

module MyCommands
  class MyNodeDelete < Chef::Knife
    #An implementation of knife node delete
    banner 'knife my node delete [NODE_NAME]'

    def run
      if name_args.length < 1
        ui.fatal('You must specify a node name.')
        exit 1
      nodename = name_args[0]
      api_endpoint = "nodes/#{nodename}"
      # Again, we could just call rest.delete_rest
      nodey = rest.get_rest(api_endpoint)
      ui.confirm("Do you really want to delete #{nodey}")

Global Endpoints

A global endpoint may be used to access all of the organizations on the Chef Infra Server.


The /authenticate_user endpoint has the following methods: POST.


The POST method is used to authenticate a user. This endpoint is used by the Chef Identity Service to authenticate users of Chef Supermarket to the Chef Infra Server.

This method has no parameters.


POST /authenticate_user

with a request body similar to:

  "username" : "grantmc",
  "password" : "p@ssw0rd"


This method has no response body.

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, password, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.



This endpoint is used for information purposes only and to trigger a notification in the Chef management console about the number of licenses owned vs. the number of licenses that should be owned. No other action is taken and the functionality and behavior of the Chef Infra Server and any added component does not change.

The /license endpoint has the following methods: GET.


The GET method is used to get license information for the Chef Infra Server.

This method has no parameters.


GET /license

This method has no request body.


The response is similar to:

  "limit_exceeded": false,
  "node_license": 25,
  "node_count": 12,
  "upgrade_url": ""

When node_count is greater than node_license, then limit_exceeded is true and the Chef management console will display a notification about this status. The way to resolve this is to visit the upgrade URL, add the appropriate number of licenses, and then update the configuration settings appropriately.

The chef-server.rb file contains settings that can be used to edit the number of nodes that are under license:

license['nodes']The number of licensed nodes. Default value: 25.
license['upgrade_url']The URL to visit for more information about how to update the number of nodes licensed for an organization. Default value: "".

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.


The Chef Infra Server may contain multiple organizations.

The /organizations endpoint has the following methods: GET and POST.


This endpoint may only be accessed by the pivotal user, which is created as part of the installation process for the Chef Infra Server. (See the “Query for Users and Orgs” example below for an example of how to access this endpoint with the pivotal user.)


The GET method is used to get a list of organizations on the Chef Infra Server.


GET /organizations


The response is similar to:

  "org_name1": https://url/for/org_name1",
  "org_name2": https://url/for/org_name2"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.


The POST method is used to create an organization on the Chef Infra Server.

This method has no parameters.


POST /organizations

with a request body similar to:

  "name": "org_name1",
  "full_name": "Org_name1 Full Name"


  • name must begin with a lower-case letter or digit, may only contain lower-case letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores, and must be between 1 and 255 characters. For example: chef.
  • full_name must begin with a non-white space character and must be between 1 and 1023 characters. For example: Chef Software, Inc..


An organization isn’t usable until a user that belongs to the admins group is associated with the organization.


The response is similar to:

  "clientname": "org_name1-validator",
  "private_key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEpQIBAAKCAQEAx2uyX ...",
  "uri": "https://url/for/org_name1"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
201Created. The request was successful. The organization was created.
400Bad request. The contents of the request are not formatted correctly.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
409Conflict. The organization already exists.


An organization is a single instance of a Chef Infra Server, including all of the nodes that are managed by that Chef Infra Server and each of the workstations that will run knife and access the Chef Infra Server using the Chef Infra Server API.

The /organizations/NAME endpoint has the following methods: DELETE, GET, and PUT.


The DELETE method is used to delete an organization.

This method has no parameters.


DELETE /organizations/NAME


The response is similar to:

  "name": "chef",
  "full_name": "Chef Software, Inc.",
  "guid": "f980d1asdfda0331235s00ff36862"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.


The GET method is used to get the details for the named organization.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME


The response is similar to:

  "name": "chef",
  "full_name": "Chef Software, Inc.",
  "guid": "f980d1asdfda0331235s00ff36862"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.


The PUT method is used to update an organization definition.

This method has no parameters.


PUT /organizations/NAME

with a request body similar to:

  "name": "chef",
  "full_name": "Chef Software, Inc."


The response is similar to:

  "name": "chef",
  "full_name": "Chef Software, Inc.",
  "guid": "f980d1asdfda0331235s00ff36862"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
400Bad request. The contents of the request are not formatted correctly.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
410Gone. Unable to update private key.


Use the /_stats endpoint to display statistics about connection pool usage inside Erchef, Postgresql, and the Erlang VM. The _stats endpoint uses Basic Authorization instead of the X-Ops-Authorization scheme usually used to connect to the Chef Infra Server. The default user used to query the _stats endpoint is statsuser. The password for the statsuser is available as the opscode_erchef::stats_password from the chef-server-ctl show-service-credentials command.

The /_stats endpoint has the following method: GET.


The GET method is used to get the statistics.

This method has the following parameters:

format=jsonReturn results as JSON.
format=textReturn results as text.


GET /_stats

This method has no parameters. This method has no request body. The /_stats endpoint does not require authentication headers.


The response body is similar to:

    "name": "erlang_vm_time_correction",
    "type": "UNTYPED",
    "help": "1 if time correction is enabled, otherwise 0.",
    "metrics": [
        "value": "1"
    "name": "erlang_vm_thread_pool_size",
    "type": "GAUGE",
    "help": "The number of async threads in the async thread pool used for asynchronous driver calls.",
    "metrics": [
        "value": "5"


    "name": "pg_stat_seq_scan",
    "type": "COUNTER",
    "help": "Number of sequential scans initiated on all tables",
    "metrics": [
        "value": "22147"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
401Unauthorized. The user or password is not valid.
406Not Acceptable. An invalid format was requested.


Use the /_status endpoint to check the status of communications between the front and back end servers. This endpoint is located at /_status on the front end servers. The /_status endpoint does not require authentication headers.


The GET method is used to get the Chef Infra Server status details.


GET /_status

This method has no parameters. This method has no request body.


The response will return something like the following:

  "status": "pong",
      "service_name": "pong",
      "service_name": "pong",
      "keys": 10,

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200All communications are OK.


One (or more) services are down. For example:

      "service_name": "fail",
      "service_name": "pong",


A user is an individual account that is created to allow access to the Chef Infra Server. For example:

  • A hosted Chef Infra Server account
  • The user that operates the workstation from which a Chef Infra Server will be managed

The /users endpoint has the following methods: GET and POST.


This endpoint may only be accessed by the pivotal user, which is created as part of the installation process for the Chef Infra Server. (See the “Query for Users and Orgs” example below for an example of how to access this endpoint with the pivotal user.)


This documentation for the /users endpoint is for version 1 of the Chef Infra Server API. Version 0 of the API has some differences in the request body and in the results.


The GET method is used to get a list of users on the Chef Infra Server.

This method has the following parameters:

email=jane@chef.comFilter the users returned based on their email id.
external_authentication_uid=jane@chef.comFilter the users returned based on their external login id.
verbose=trueReturns a user list with "email", "first_name", "last_name" fields. If this flag is set the email and external_authentication_uid parameters are ignored.


GET /users


The response is similar to:

  "user1": "https://chef.example/users/user1",
  "user2": "https://chef.example/users/user2"

The verbose response is similar to:

  "janechef": { "email": "", "first_name": "jane", "last_name": "chef_user" },
  "yaelsmith": { "email": "", "first_name": "yeal", "last_name": "smith" }

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.

Optional Filtering

Filtering on /users can be done with the external_authentication_uid. This is to support SAML authentication.

As an example, to retrieve users whos external_authentication_uid is, you would do the following:

GET /users?


The POST method is used to create a user on the Chef Infra Server.

This method has no parameters.


POST /users

with a request body similar to:

  "username": "robert-forster",
  "display_name": "robert",
  "email": "",
  "first_name": "robert",
  "last_name": "forster",
  "middle_name": "",
  "password": "yeahpass",
  "create_key": true,
  "public_key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAoYyN0AIhUh7Fw1+gQtR+ \n0/HY3625IUlVheoUeUz3WnsTrUGSSS4fHvxUiCJlNni1sQvcJ0xC9Bw3iMz7YVFO\nWz5SeKmajqKEnNywN8/NByZhhlLdBxBX/UN04/7aHZMoZxrrjXGLcyjvXN3uxyCO\nyPY989pa68LJ9jXWyyfKjCYdztSFcRuwF7tWgqnlsc8pve/UaWamNOTXQnyrQ6Dp\ndn+1jiNbEJIdxiza7DJMH/9/i/mLIDEFCLRPQ3RqW4T8QrSbkyzPO/iwaHl9U196\n06Ajv1RNnfyHnBXIM+I5mxJRyJCyDFo/MACc5AgO6M0a7sJ/sdX+WccgcHEVbPAl\n1wIDAQAB \n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n\n"


  • username must begin with a lower-case letter or digit, may only contain lower-case letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores. For example: chef. username is required to be present and have a valid value. A valid username is a dot separated list of elements matching a-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-.
  • display_name is required to be present.
  • email is required to be present and have a valid value. The email validation doesn’t allow for all unicode characters.
  • Either external_authentication_uid or password are required to be present and have a value.
  • During the POST, the public_key value will be broken out and resubmitted to the keys portion of the API in the latest Chef Infra Server versions.
  • Only one of the keys, create_key or public_key, may be specified. If create_key is specified, a default private key is generated and returned.


The response is similar to:

  "uri": "https://chef.example/users/robert-forster",
  "chef_key": {
    "name": "default",
    "public_key": "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY...",
    "expiration_date": "infinity",
    "uri": "https://chef.example/users/robert-forster/keys/default",
    "private_key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY..."

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
201OK. The user was created.
400Bad request. The contents of the request are not formatted correctly.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
409Conflict. The object already exists.
413Request entity too large. A request may not be larger than 1000000 bytes.


The /users/USER_NAME endpoint has the following methods: DELETE, GET, and PUT.


This documentation for the /users/NAME endpoint is for version 1 of the Chef Infra Server API. Version 0 of the API has some differences in the request body and in the results.


The DELETE method is used to delete a user.

This method has no parameters.




The response is similar to:


Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The GET method is used to return the details for a user.

This method has no parameters.




The response is similar to:

  "username": "robert-forster",
  "display_name": "robert",
  "email": "",
  "first_name": "robert",
  "last_name": "forster"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The PUT method is used to update a specific user. If values are not specified for the PUT method, the Chef Infra Server will use the existing values rather than assign default values.


PUT supports renames. If PUT /users/foo is requested with { "username: "bar""}, then it will rename foo to bar and all of the content previously associated with foo will be associated with bar.


As of 12.1.0, the "public_key", "private_key", and "create_key" parameters in PUT requests to clients/users will cause a 400 response.

This method has no parameters.


PUT /users/NAME

with a request body similar to:

  "username":     "grant.mclennan",
  "display_name": "Grant McLennan",
  "email":        "",
  "first_name":   "Grant",
  "last_name":    "McLennan",
  "middle_name":  "james",
  "public_key" : "-------- BEGIN PUBLIC KEY ----and a valid key here"


The response is similar to:

  "uri": "https://chef.example/users/grant.mclennan",
  "chef_key": {
    "name": "default",
    "public_key": "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY...",
    "expiration_date": "infinity",
    "uri": "https://chef.example/users/rober-forster/keys/default",
    "private_key": ""

If a new private key was generated, both the private and public keys are returned.

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
201Created. The object was created. (This response code is only returned when the user is renamed.)
400Invalid. Invalid or missing values. Otherwise malformed request.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.
409Conflict. This response code is only returned when a user is renamed, but a user already exists with that name.
413Request entity too large. A request may not be larger than 1000000 bytes.


The /users/USER/keys endpoint has the following methods: GET and POST. User keys are public RSA keys in the SSL .pem file format and are used for authentication. The Chef Infra Server does not save private keys for users.


The GET method is used to retrieve all of the named user’s key identifiers, associated URIs, and expiry states.

This method has no parameters.


GET /users/USER/keys/


The response is similar to:

    "name" : "default",
    "uri" : "https://chef.example/users/USER/keys/default",
    "expired" : false
    "name" : "key1",
    "uri" : "https://chef.example/users/USER/keys/key1",
    "expired" : false

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The POST method is used to add a key for the specified user.

This method has no parameters.


POST /users/USER/keys/

with a request body similar to:

  "name" : "key1",
  "public_key" : "-------- BEGIN PUBLIC KEY ----and a valid key here",
  "expiration_date" : "infinity"


The response is similar to:

  "name" : "key1",
  "uri" : "https://chapi_chef_server.mdef.example/users/user1/keys/key1",
  "expired": false

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
201Created. The object was created.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The /users/USER/keys/KEY endpoint has the following methods: DELETE, GET, and PUT.


The DELETE method is used to delete the specified key for the specified user.

This method has no parameters.


DELETE /users/USER/keys/KEY


The response returns the information about the deleted key and is similar to:

  "name" : "default",
  "public_key" : "-------- BEGIN PUBLIC KEY --------- ...",
  "expiration_date" : "2020-12-31T00:00:00Z"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The GET method is used to return details for a specific key for a specific user.

This method has no parameters.


GET /users/USER/keys/KEY


The response is similar to:

  "name" : "default",
  "public_key" : "-------- BEGIN PUBLIC KEY --------- ...",
  "expiration_date" : "2020-12-31T00:00:00Z"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The PUT method is used to update one or more properties for a specific key for a specific user.

This method has no parameters.


PUT /users/USER/keys/KEY

with a request body similar to:

  "name" : "new_key_name",
  "public_key" : "-------- BEGIN PUBLIC KEY ----and a valid key here",
  "expiration_date" : "2020-12-31T00:00:00Z"


The response contains the updated information for the key, and is similar to:

  "name" : "new_key_name",
  "public_key" : "-------- BEGIN PUBLIC KEY --------- ...",
  "expiration_date" : "2020-12-31T00:00:00Z"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
201Created. The object was created.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.

Organization Endpoints

Each organization-specific authentication request must include /organizations/NAME as part of the name for the endpoint. For example, the full endpoint for getting a list of roles:

GET /organizations/NAME/roles

where ORG_NAME is the name of the organization.


Users may be invited to join organizations via the web user interface in the Chef management console or via the POST endpoint in the Chef Infra Server API.

The /association_requests endpoint has the following methods: DELETE, GET, and POST.


The DELETE method is used to delete a pending invitation.

This method has no parameters.


DELETE /organizations/NAME/association_requests/ID

This method has no request body.


The response is similar to:

  "id":      "79b9382ab70e962907cee1747f9969a4",
  "orgname": "testorg",
  "username" "janedoe"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The GET method is used to get a list of pending invitations.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/association_requests

This method has no request body.


The response returns a dictionary similar to:

    "id": "79b9382ab70e962907cee1747f9969a4",
    "username": "marygupta"
    "id": "24t1432uf33x799382abb7096g8190b5",
    "username": "johnirving"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.


The POST method is used to create an invitation.

This method has no parameters.


 "user": "billysmith"

POST /organizations/NAME/association_requests


The response is similar to:

  "uri": "https://chef.example/organizations/test/association_requests/79b9382ab70e962907cee1747f9969a4",
  "organization_user": {
    "username": "authorizeduser"
  "organization": {
    "name": "test"
  "user": {
    "email": "",
    "first_name": "sally"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
201OK. An invitation was created.
400Bad request. The contents of the request are not formatted correctly.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The invited user does not exist.
409Conflict. The object already exists.


Use the /clients endpoint to manage clients and their associated RSA key-pairs. The /clients endpoint has the following methods: GET and POST.


The clients should be managed using knife as opposed to the Chef Infra Server API. The interactions between clients, nodes and acls are tricky.


The GET method is used to return a client list on the Chef Infra Server, including clients for nodes that have been registered with the Chef Infra Server, the chef-validator clients, and the chef-server-webui clients for the entire organization.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/clients

This method has no request body.


The response is similar to:

  "org1-validator" : "https://chef.example/orgaizations/org1/clients/org1-validator",
  "client1" : "https://chef.example/orgaizations/org1/clients/client1"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.


The POST method is used to create a new API client.


As of 12.1.0, the "admin" parameter is no longer supported in client/user creation and support. If used in the POST or PUT of a client or user, the "admin" parameter is ignored.

This method has no parameters.


POST /organizations/NAME/clients

with a request body similar to:

  "name": "name_of_API_client",
  "clientname": "name_of_API_client",
  "validator": true,
  "create_key": true

where name_of_API_client is the name of the API client to be created and admin indicates whether the API client will be run as an admin API client. Either name or clientname needs to be specified.


The response is similar to:

  "uri": "https://chef.example/orgaizations/org1/clients/client1",
  "chef_key": {
    "name": "default",
    "expiration_date": "infinity",
    "private_key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ...",
    "public_key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- ... ",
    "uri": "https://chef.example/orgaizations/org1/clients/client1/keys/default"

Store the private key in a safe place. It will be required later (along with the client name) to access the Chef Infra Server when using the Chef Infra Server API.

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
201Created. The client was created.
400Bad request. The contents of the request are not formatted correctly.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
409Conflict. The object already exists.
413Request entity too large. A request may not be larger than 1000000 bytes.


The /clients/NAME endpoint is used to manage a specific client. This endpoint has the following methods: DELETE, GET, and PUT.


The DELETE method is used to remove a specific client.

This method has no parameters.


DELETE /organizations/NAME/clients/NAME

This method has no request body.


The response has no body.

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The GET method is used to return a specific API client.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/clients/NAME

This method has no request body.


The response is similar to:

  "name": "user1",
  "clientname": "user1",
  "orgname": "test",
  "json_class": "Chef::ApiClient",
  "chef_type": "client",
  "validator": "false"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The PUT method is used to update a specific client. If values are not specified for the PUT method, the Chef Infra Server will use the existing values rather than assign default values.


PUT supports renames. If PUT /client/foo is requested with { "name: "bar""}, then it will rename foo to bar and all of the content previously associated with foo will be associated with bar.


As of 12.1.0, the "admin" parameter is no longer supported in client/user creation and support. If used in the POST or PUT of a client or user, then it is ignored.


As of 12.1.0, including "public_key", "private_key", or "create_key" in PUT requests to clients/users will cause a 400 response.


"name" and "clientname" are not independent values. Making a PUT request with different values will return a 400 error. Either name may be specified to set both values.


PUT /organizations/NAME/clients/NAME

with a request body similar to:

  "name": "monkeypants",
  "validator": false


The response is similar to:

  "name": "monkeypants",
  "clientname": "monkeypants",
  "validator": true,

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
201Created. The client was updated. (This response code is only returned when the client is renamed.)
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.
409Conflict. This response code is only returned when a client is renamed, but a client already exists with the new name.
413Request entity too large. A request may not be larger than 1000000 bytes.


The /clients/CLIENT/keys endpoint has the following methods: GET and POST.


The GET method is used to retrieve all of the named client’s key identifiers, associated URIs, and expiry states.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/clients/CLIENT/keys

This method has no request body.


The response is similar to:

     "name": "default",
     "uri": "https://chef.example/organizations/example/clients/client1/keys/default",
     "expired": false
     "name": "key1",
     "uri": "https://chef.example/organizations/example/clients/client1/keys/key1",
     "expired": true

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The POST method is used to add a key for the specified client.

This method has no parameters.


POST /organizations/NAME/clients/CLIENT/keys

with a request body similar to:

  "name": "key1",
  "public_key": "-------- BEGIN PUBLIC KEY ----and a valid key here",
  "expiration_date": "infinity"


The response is similar to:

  "uri": "https://chef.example/organizations/example/clients/client1/keys/key1"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
201Created. The object was created.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The /clients/CLIENT/keys/KEY endpoint has the following methods: DELETE, GET, and PUT.


The DELETE method is used to delete the specified key for the specified client.

This method has no parameters.


DELETE /organizations/NAME/clients/CLIENT/keys/KEY

This method has no request body.


The response returns the information about the deleted key and is similar to:

  "name": "default",
  "public_key": "-------- BEGIN PUBLIC KEY --------- ...",
  "expiration_date": "2020-12-31T00:00:00Z"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The GET method is used to return details for a specific key for a specific client.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/clients/CLIENT/keys/KEY

This method has no request body.


The response is similar to:

  "name" : "default",
  "public_key" : "-------- BEGIN PUBLIC KEY --------- ...",
  "expiration_date" : "2020-12-31T00:00:00Z"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The PUT method is used to update one or more properties for a specific key for a specific client.

This method has no parameters.


PUT /organizations/NAME/clients/CLIENT/keys/KEY

with a request body similar to:

  "name": "new_key_name",
  "public_key": "-------- BEGIN PUBLIC KEY ----and a valid key here",
  "expiration_date": "2020-12-31T00:00:00Z"


The response contains the updated information for the key and is similar to:

  "name": "new_key_name",
  "public_key": "-------- BEGIN PUBLIC KEY --------- ...",
  "expiration_date": "2020-12-31T00:00:00Z"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
201Created. The object was created.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The /containers endpoint has the following methods: GET, POST.


The GET method is used to get a list of containers.

Note: The /containers endpoint is not useful outside of the Chef Infra Server code.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/containers

This method does not use a request body.


The response is similar to:

  "clients": "https://chef.example/organizations/example/containers/clients",
  "containers": "https://chef.example/organizations/example/containers/containers",
  "cookbooks": "https://chef.example/organizations/example/containers/cookbooks",
  "data": "https://chef.example/organizations/example/containers/data",
  "environments": "https://chef.example/organizations/example/containers/environments",
  "groups": "https://chef.example/organizations/example/containers/groups",
  "nodes": "https://chef.example/organizations/example/containers/nodes",
  "roles": "https://chef.example/organizations/example/containers/roles",
  "sandboxes": "https://chef.example/organizations/example/containers/sandboxes"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The POST method is used to create a container.

Note: Using the POST method of the /containers endpoint may have unexpected effects and is likely to break your system. Use of this method is not supported.

This method has no parameters.


POST /organizations/NAME

This method has a request body similar to:

  "containername": "mycontainer",
  "containerpath": "mycontainer"


The response is similar to:

  "uri"": "https://chef.example/organizations/test/containers/mycontainer"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
201OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.



The DELETE method is used to remove a container.

The /containers/Name endpoint has the following methods: DELETE, GET.

Note: Using the DELETE method of the /containers/NAME endpoint may have unexpected effects and is likely to break your system. Use of this method is not supported.

This method has no parameters.


DELETE /organizations/NAME/containers/NAME

This method does not use a request body.


The response does not return response body.

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The GET method is used to get a container.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/containers/NAME

This method does not use a request body.


The response is similar to:

  "containername"": "mycontainer",
  "containerpath"": "mycontainer"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


Cookbook artifacts are specific versions of cookbooks that were specified by a Policyfile applied to a node.

The /organization/NAME/cookbook_artifacts endpoint has the following methods: GET.


The GET method is used to return a hash of all cookbook artifacts and their versions.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/cookbook_artifacts

This method has no request body.


The response is similar to:

  "oc-influxdb": {
    "url": "https://chef.example/organizations/example-org/cookbook_artifacts/oc-influxdb",
    "versions": [
        "url": "https://chef.example/organizations/example-org/cookbook_artifacts/oc-influxdb/9634a5d998b02ff069761f6e1309a41572d0f858",
        "identifier": "9634a5d998b02ff069761f6e1309a41572d0f858"
        "url": "https://chef.example/organizations/example-org/cookbook_artifacts/oc-influxdb/d774c9bb079f21b64c34275ecd4b371e0cae71a1",
        "identifier": "d774c9bb079f21b64c34275ecd4b371e0cae71a1"
    "rabbitmq": {
    "url": "https://chef.example/organizations/example-org/cookbook_artifacts/rabbitmq",
    "versions": [
        "url": "https://chef.example/organizations/example-org/cookbook_artifacts/rabbitmq/58035a5b41c005f3b5b98f22ccaed1a0d6161e22",
        "identifier": "58035a5b41c005f3b5b98f22ccaed1a0d6161e22"
        "url": "https://chef.example/organizations/example-org/cookbook_artifacts/rabbitmq/5c08f92cc01f94ee37d382c32023b137ee343a1e",
        "identifier": "5c08f92cc01f94ee37d382c32023b137ee343a1e"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.


This endpoint lists versions of a named cookbook artifact.

The /organization/NAME/cookbook_artifacts/NAME endpoint has the following methods: GET.


The GET method is used to return a hash of a single cookbook artifact and its versions.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/cookbook_artifacts/NAME

This method has no request body.


The response is similar to:

  "rabbitmq": {
    "url": "https://chef.example/organizations/example-org/cookbook_artifacts/rabbitmq",
    "versions": [
        "url": "https://chef.example/organizations/example-org/cookbook_artifacts/rabbitmq/0bd7539be0434e3355aff8ecccf4543ecf5c4be2",
        "identifier": "0bd7539be0434e3355aff8ecccf4543ecf5c4be2"
        "url": "https://chef.example/organizations/example-org/cookbook_artifacts/rabbitmq/0e1016d364685b87456c648136da04a2559821ec",
        "identifier": "0e1016d364685b87456c648136da04a2559821ec"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The /organization/NAME/cookbook_artifacts/NAME/ID endpoint has the following methods: DELETE, GET, and PUT.


The DELETE method is used to delete a single cookbook artifact version.

This method has no parameters.


DELETE /organizations/NAME/cookbook_artifacts/NAME/ID

This method has no request body.


The response contains the record of the deleted resource and is similar to:

  "version": "5.7.7",
  "name": "rabbitmq",
  "identifier": "f3cf8ea7d8bfc59e35ec541946e3e82cd4b73e74",
  "frozen?": false,
  "chef_type": "cookbook_version",
  "attributes": [
      "name": "default.rb",
      "path": "attributes/default.rb",
      "checksum": "e5a530cca3898d8bd07604435dc5156e",
      "specificity": "default",
      "url": "https://chef.example/bookshelf/organization-9f69768696feedcd165633b8b475cc0b/checksum-e5a530cca3898d8bd07604435dc5156e"
  "definitions": [
  "files": [
  "libraries": [
      "name": "matchers.rb",
      "path": "libraries/matchers.rb",
      "checksum": "24c3f44c4d1d62300a56051f0069f639",
      "specificity": "default",
      "url": "https://chef.example/bookshelf/organization-9f69768696feedcd165633b8b475cc0b/checksum-24c3f44c4d1d62300a56051f0069f639"
      "name": "helpers.rb",
      "path": "libraries/helpers.rb",
      "checksum": "df65c4a7259fcb30c6f3f1305ebf7502",
      "specificity": "default",
      "url": "https://chef.example/bookshelf/organization-9f69768696feedcd165633b8b475cc0b/checksum-df65c4a7259fcb30c6f3f1305ebf7502"
      "name": "default.rb",
      "path": "libraries/default.rb",
      "checksum": "94292faac84ba797e720501700b30f74",
      "specificity": "default",
      "url": "https://chef.example/bookshelf/organization-9f69768696feedcd165633b8b475cc0b/checksum-94292faac84ba797e720501700b30f74"
  "providers": [
      "name": "user.rb",
      "path": "providers/user.rb",
      "checksum": "c31c9cc749f21962c825f983a6679d94",
      "specificity": "default",
      "url": "https://chef.example/bookshelf/organization-9f69768696feedcd165633b8b475cc0b/checksum-c31c9cc749f21962c825f983a6679d94"
      "name": "policy.rb",
      "path": "providers/policy.rb",
      "checksum": "746c8a3f248f5bbfa51f5d2ba60b6315",
      "specificity": "default",
      "url": "https://chef.example/bookshelf/organization-9f69768696feedcd165633b8b475cc0b/checksum-746c8a3f248f5bbfa51f5d2ba60b6315"
  "recipes": [
      "name": "default.rb",
      "path": "recipes/default.rb",
      "checksum": "99a9b404ff6038d6ac55a90ca68c347a",
      "specificity": "default",
      "url": "https://chef.example/bookshelf/organization-9f69768696feedcd165633b8b475cc0b/checksum-99a9b404ff6038d6ac55a90ca68c347a"
      "name": "cluster.rb",
      "path": "recipes/cluster.rb",
      "checksum": "fc0a86c1f858c9d37e11282efc9fe329",
      "specificity": "default",
      "url": "https://chef.example/bookshelf/organization-9f69768696feedcd165633b8b475cc0b/checksum-fc0a86c1f858c9d37e11282efc9fe329"
  "resources": [
      "name": "cluster.rb",
      "path": "resources/cluster.rb",
      "checksum": "85e74276e19bfdad581dce4f5c59f94a",
      "specificity": "default",
      "url": "https://chef.example/bookshelf/organization-9f69768696feedcd165633b8b475cc0b/checksum-85e74276e19bfdad581dce4f5c59f94a"
  "root_files": [
      "name": "metadata.rb",
      "path": "metadata.rb",
      "checksum": "36b395e758138a4295d1e3f9b3df5da9",
      "specificity": "default",
      "url": "https://chef.example/bookshelf/organization-9f69768696feedcd165633b8b475cc0b/checksum-36b395e758138a4295d1e3f9b3df5da9"
      "name": "",
      "path": "",
      "checksum": "99873670f0994642f5e6baade52c8020",
      "specificity": "default",
      "url": "https://chef.example/bookshelf/organization-9f69768696feedcd165633b8b475cc0b/checksum-99873670f0994642f5e6baade52c8020"
  "templates": [
      "name": "default.rabbitmq-server.erb",
      "path": "templates/default/default.rabbitmq-server.erb",
      "checksum": "077855f4dc37f7fb708976134d8b2551",
      "specificity": "default",
      "url": "https://chef.example/bookshelf/organization-9f69768696feedcd165633b8b475cc0b/checksum-077855f4dc37f7fb708976134d8b2551"
      "name": "90forceyes.erb",
      "path": "templates/default/90forceyes.erb",
      "checksum": "73cc571097cf77c74b4e7b5b680020c9",
      "specificity": "default",
      "url": "https://chef.example/bookshelf/organization-9f69768696feedcd165633b8b475cc0b/checksum-73cc571097cf77c74b4e7b5b680020c9"
  "metadata": {
    "name": "rabbitmq",
    "description": "Installs and configures RabbitMQ server",
    "long_description": "",
    "maintainer": "Chef Software, Inc. and contributors",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "license": "Apache-2.0",
    "platforms": {
      "amazon": ">= 2.0",
      "centos": ">= 7.0",
      "debian": ">= 8.0",
      "opensuse": ">= 0.0.0",
      "opensuseleap": ">= 0.0.0",
      "oracle": ">= 0.0.0",
      "redhat": ">= 0.0.0",
      "scientific": ">= 0.0.0",
      "smartos": ">= 0.0.0",
      "suse": ">= 0.0.0",
      "ubuntu": ">= 14.04"
    "dependencies": {
      "erlang": ">= 0.0.0",
      "yum-epel": ">= 0.0.0",
      "yum-erlang_solutions": ">= 0.0.0",
      "dpkg_autostart": ">= 0.0.0",
      "logrotate": ">= 0.0.0"
    "providing": {
      "rabbitmq::cluster": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq::community_plugins": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq::erlang_package": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq::esl_erlang_package": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq::management_ui": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq::mgmt_console": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq::plugin_management": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq::plugins": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq::policies": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq::policy_management": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq::systemd_limits": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq::user_management": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq::users": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq::vhosts": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq::virtualhost_management": ">= 0.0.0"
    "recipes": {
      "rabbitmq": "Install and configure RabbitMQ",
      "rabbitmq::systemd_limits": "Sets up kernel limits (e.g. nofile) for RabbitMQ via systemd",
      "rabbitmq::cluster": "Set up RabbitMQ clustering.",
      "rabbitmq::management_ui": "Sets up RabbitMQ management plugin/UI",
      "rabbitmq::mgmt_console": "Deprecated, alias for rabbitmq::management_ui",
      "rabbitmq::plugins": "Manage plugins with node attributes",
      "rabbitmq::plugin_management": "Deprecated, alias for rabbitmq::plugins",
      "rabbitmq::vhosts": "Manage virtual hosts with node attributes",
      "rabbitmq::virtualhost_management": "Deprecated, alias for rabbitmq::vhosts",
      "rabbitmq::users": "Manage users with node attributes",
      "rabbitmq::user_management": "Deprecated, alias for rabbitmq::users",
      "rabbitmq::policies": "Manage policies with node attributes",
      "rabbitmq::policy_management": "Deprecated, alias for rabbitmq::policies",
      "rabbitmq::erlang_package": "Provisions Erlang via Team RabbitMQ packages",
      "rabbitmq::esl_erlang_package": "Alias for erlang::esl",
      "rabbitmq::community_plugins": ""
    "version": "5.7.7",
    "source_url": "",
    "issues_url": "",
    "privacy": false,
    "chef_versions": [
    "ohai_versions": [
    "gems": [

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The GET method is used to return a single cookbook artifact version.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/cookbook_artifacts/NAME/ID

This method has no request body.


The response is similar to:

  "version": "5.7.7",
  "name": "rabbitmq",
  "identifier": "f3cf8ea7d8bfc59e35ec541946e3e82cd4b73e74",
  "frozen?": false,
  "chef_type": "cookbook_version",
  "attributes": [
      "name": "default.rb",
      "path": "attributes/default.rb",
      "checksum": "e5a530cca3898d8bd07604435dc5156e",
      "specificity": "default",
      "url": "https://chef.example/bookshelf/organization-9f69768696feedcd165633b8b475cc0b/checksum-e5a530cca3898d8bd07604435dc5156e"
  "definitions": [
  "files": [
  "libraries": [
      "name": "matchers.rb",
      "path": "libraries/matchers.rb",
      "checksum": "24c3f44c4d1d62300a56051f0069f639",
      "specificity": "default",
      "url": "https://chef.example/bookshelf/organization-9f69768696feedcd165633b8b475cc0b/checksum-24c3f44c4d1d62300a56051f0069f639"
      "name": "helpers.rb",
      "path": "libraries/helpers.rb",
      "checksum": "df65c4a7259fcb30c6f3f1305ebf7502",
      "specificity": "default",
      "url": "https://chef.example/bookshelf/organization-9f69768696feedcd165633b8b475cc0b/checksum-df65c4a7259fcb30c6f3f1305ebf7502"
      "name": "default.rb",
      "path": "libraries/default.rb",
      "checksum": "94292faac84ba797e720501700b30f74",
      "specificity": "default",
      "url": "https://chef.example/bookshelf/organization-9f69768696feedcd165633b8b475cc0b/checksum-94292faac84ba797e720501700b30f74"
  "providers": [
      "name": "user.rb",
      "path": "providers/user.rb",
      "checksum": "c31c9cc749f21962c825f983a6679d94",
      "specificity": "default",
      "url": "https://chef.example/bookshelf/organization-9f69768696feedcd165633b8b475cc0b/checksum-c31c9cc749f21962c825f983a6679d94"
      "name": "policy.rb",
      "path": "providers/policy.rb",
      "checksum": "746c8a3f248f5bbfa51f5d2ba60b6315",
      "specificity": "default",
      "url": "https://chef.example/bookshelf/organization-9f69768696feedcd165633b8b475cc0b/checksum-746c8a3f248f5bbfa51f5d2ba60b6315"
  "recipes": [
      "name": "default.rb",
      "path": "recipes/default.rb",
      "checksum": "99a9b404ff6038d6ac55a90ca68c347a",
      "specificity": "default",
      "url": "https://chef.example/bookshelf/organization-9f69768696feedcd165633b8b475cc0b/checksum-99a9b404ff6038d6ac55a90ca68c347a"
      "name": "cluster.rb",
      "path": "recipes/cluster.rb",
      "checksum": "fc0a86c1f858c9d37e11282efc9fe329",
      "specificity": "default",
      "url": "https://chef.example/bookshelf/organization-9f69768696feedcd165633b8b475cc0b/checksum-fc0a86c1f858c9d37e11282efc9fe329"
  "resources": [
      "name": "cluster.rb",
      "path": "resources/cluster.rb",
      "checksum": "85e74276e19bfdad581dce4f5c59f94a",
      "specificity": "default",
      "url": "https://chef.example/bookshelf/organization-9f69768696feedcd165633b8b475cc0b/checksum-85e74276e19bfdad581dce4f5c59f94a"
  "root_files": [
      "name": "metadata.rb",
      "path": "metadata.rb",
      "checksum": "36b395e758138a4295d1e3f9b3df5da9",
      "specificity": "default",
      "url": "https://chef.example/bookshelf/organization-9f69768696feedcd165633b8b475cc0b/checksum-36b395e758138a4295d1e3f9b3df5da9"
      "name": "",
      "path": "",
      "checksum": "99873670f0994642f5e6baade52c8020",
      "specificity": "default",
      "url": "https://chef.example/bookshelf/organization-9f69768696feedcd165633b8b475cc0b/checksum-99873670f0994642f5e6baade52c8020"
  "templates": [
      "name": "default.rabbitmq-server.erb",
      "path": "templates/default/default.rabbitmq-server.erb",
      "checksum": "077855f4dc37f7fb708976134d8b2551",
      "specificity": "default",
      "url": "https://chef.example/bookshelf/organization-9f69768696feedcd165633b8b475cc0b/checksum-077855f4dc37f7fb708976134d8b2551"
      "name": "90forceyes.erb",
      "path": "templates/default/90forceyes.erb",
      "checksum": "73cc571097cf77c74b4e7b5b680020c9",
      "specificity": "default",
      "url": "https://chef.example/bookshelf/organization-9f69768696feedcd165633b8b475cc0b/checksum-73cc571097cf77c74b4e7b5b680020c9"
  "metadata": {
    "name": "rabbitmq",
    "description": "Installs and configures RabbitMQ server",
    "long_description": "",
    "maintainer": "Chef Software, Inc. and contributors",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "license": "Apache-2.0",
    "platforms": {
      "amazon": ">= 2.0",
      "centos": ">= 7.0",
      "debian": ">= 8.0",
      "opensuse": ">= 0.0.0",
      "opensuseleap": ">= 0.0.0",
      "oracle": ">= 0.0.0",
      "redhat": ">= 0.0.0",
      "scientific": ">= 0.0.0",
      "smartos": ">= 0.0.0",
      "suse": ">= 0.0.0",
      "ubuntu": ">= 14.04"
    "dependencies": {
      "erlang": ">= 0.0.0",
      "yum-epel": ">= 0.0.0",
      "yum-erlang_solutions": ">= 0.0.0",
      "dpkg_autostart": ">= 0.0.0",
      "logrotate": ">= 0.0.0"
    "providing": {
      "rabbitmq::cluster": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq::community_plugins": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq::erlang_package": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq::esl_erlang_package": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq::management_ui": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq::mgmt_console": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq::plugin_management": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq::plugins": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq::policies": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq::policy_management": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq::systemd_limits": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq::user_management": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq::users": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq::vhosts": ">= 0.0.0",
      "rabbitmq::virtualhost_management": ">= 0.0.0"
    "recipes": {
      "rabbitmq": "Install and configure RabbitMQ",
      "rabbitmq::systemd_limits": "Sets up kernel limits (e.g. nofile) for RabbitMQ via systemd",
      "rabbitmq::cluster": "Set up RabbitMQ clustering.",
      "rabbitmq::management_ui": "Sets up RabbitMQ management plugin/UI",
      "rabbitmq::mgmt_console": "Deprecated, alias for rabbitmq::management_ui",
      "rabbitmq::plugins": "Manage plugins with node attributes",
      "rabbitmq::plugin_management": "Deprecated, alias for rabbitmq::plugins",
      "rabbitmq::vhosts": "Manage virtual hosts with node attributes",
      "rabbitmq::virtualhost_management": "Deprecated, alias for rabbitmq::vhosts",
      "rabbitmq::users": "Manage users with node attributes",
      "rabbitmq::user_management": "Deprecated, alias for rabbitmq::users",
      "rabbitmq::policies": "Manage policies with node attributes",
      "rabbitmq::policy_management": "Deprecated, alias for rabbitmq::policies",
      "rabbitmq::erlang_package": "Provisions Erlang via Team RabbitMQ packages",
      "rabbitmq::esl_erlang_package": "Alias for erlang::esl",
      "rabbitmq::community_plugins": ""
    "version": "5.7.7",
    "source_url": "",
    "issues_url": "",
    "privacy": false,
    "chef_versions": [
    "ohai_versions": [
    "gems": [

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The PUT method is used to create or update a single cookbook artifact version.

This method has no parameters.


PUT /organizations/NAME/cookbook_artifacts/NAME/ID

The request body is similar to:

  "definitions": [
      "name": "unicorn_config.rb",
      "checksum": "c92b659171552e896074caa58dada0c2",
      "path": "definitions/unicorn_config.rb",
      "specificity": "default"
  "attributes": [],
  "files": [],
  "providers": [],
  "metadata": {
    "dependencies": {"ruby": [], "rubygems": []},
    "name": "unicorn",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "attributes": {},
    "license": "Apache 2.0",
    "suggestions": {},
    "platforms": {},
    "maintainer": "Chef Software, Inc.",
    "long_description": "= LICENSE AND AUTHOR:\\n\\nAuthor:: Adam Jacob...",
    "recommendations": {},
    "version": "0.1.2",
    "conflicting": {},
    "recipes": {"unicorn": "Installs unicorn rubygem"},
    "groupings": {},
    "replacing": {},
    "description": "Installs/Configures unicorn",
    "providing": {}
  "libraries": [],
  "templates": [
      "name": "unicorn.rb.erb",
      "checksum": "36a1cc1b225708db96d48026c3f624b2",
      "path": "templates/default/unicorn.rb.erb",
      "specificity": "default"
  "resources": [],
  "name": "unicorn",
  "identifier": "ba0dadcbca26710a521e0e3160cc5e20",
  "recipes": [
      "name": "default.rb",
      "checksum": "ba0dadcbca26710a521e0e3160cc5e20",
      "path": "recipes/default.rb",
      "specificity": "default"
  "root_files": [
      "name": "README.rdoc",
      "checksum": "d18c630c8a68ffa4852d13214d0525a6",
      "path": "README.rdoc",
      "specificity": "default"
      "name": "metadata.rb",
      "checksum": "967087a09f48f234028d3aa27a094882",
      "path": "metadata.rb",
      "specificity": "default"
      "name": "metadata.json",
      "checksum": "45b27c78955f6a738d2d42d88056c57c",
      "path": "metadata.json",
      "specificity": "default"
  "chef_type": "cookbook_artifact_version"

where the checksum values must have already been uploaded to the Chef Infra Server using the sandbox endpoint. Once a file with a particular checksum has been uploaded by the user, redundant uploads are not necessary. Unused checksum values will be garbage collected.


This method has no response body.

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
413Request entity too large. A request may not be larger than 1000000 bytes.


A cookbook is the fundamental unit of configuration and policy distribution. A cookbook defines a scenario and contains everything that is required to support that scenario:

  • Recipes that specify the resources to use and the order in which they are to be applied
  • Attribute values
  • File distributions
  • Templates
  • Extensions to Chef, such as custom resources and libraries

When a cookbook is uploaded, only files that are new or updated will be included. This approach minimizes the amount of storage and time that is required during the modify-upload-test cycle. To keep track of which files have already been uploaded, Chef Infra Client uses a checksum and assigns a checksum to each file. These checksums are used in the cookbook version manifest, alongside the same records that store the file description (name, specificity, and so on), as well as the checksum and the URL from which the file’s contents can be retrieved.

The /cookbooks endpoint has the following methods: GET.


The GET method is used to return a hash of all cookbooks and cookbook versions.

This method has the following parameters:

num_versions=nThe number of cookbook versions to include in the response, where n is the number of cookbook versions. For example: num_versions=3 returns the three latest versions, in descending order (newest to oldest). Use num_versions=all to return all cookbook versions. If num_versions is not specified, a single cookbook version is returned. 0 is an invalid input (an empty array for the versions of each cookbook is returned).


GET /organizations/NAME/cookbooks


The response is similar to:

  "apache2": {
    "url": "https://localhost/cookbooks/apache2",
    "versions": [
      {"url": "https://localhost/cookbooks/apache2/5.1.0",
       "version": "5.1.0"},
      {"url": "https://localhost/cookbooks/apache2/4.2.0",
       "version": "4.2.0"}
  "nginx": {
    "url": "https://localhost/cookbooks/nginx",
    "versions": [
      {"url": "https://localhost/cookbooks/nginx/1.0.0",
       "version": "1.0.0"},
      {"url": "https://localhost/cookbooks/nginx/0.3.0",
       "version": "0.3.0"}

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.


The /cookbooks/_latest endpoint has the following methods: GET.


The GET method is used to return a list of the most recent cookbook versions.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/cookbooks/_latest


For example, if cookbooks foo and bar both exist on the Chef Infra Server and both with versions 0.1.0 and 0.2.0, the response is similar to:

  "foo": "https://localhost/cookbooks/foo/0.2.0",
  "bar": "https://localhost/cookbooks/bar/0.2.0"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The /cookbooks/_recipes endpoint has the following methods: GET.


The GET method is used to return the names of all recipes in the most recent cookbook versions.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/cookbooks/_recipes


The response is similar to:



Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The /cookbooks/NAME endpoint has the following methods: GET.


The GET method is used to return a hash that contains a key-value pair that corresponds to the specified cookbook, with a URL for the cookbook and for each version of the cookbook.


GET /organizations/NAME/cookbooks/NAME


The response is similar to:

  "apache2": {
    "url": "https://localhost/cookbooks/apache2",
    "versions": [
      {"url": "https://localhost/cookbooks/apache2/5.1.0",
       "version": "5.1.0"},
      {"url": "https://localhost/cookbooks/apache2/4.2.0",
       "version": "4.2.0"}

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


A cookbook version represents a set of functionality that is different from the cookbook on which it is based. A version may exist for many reasons, such as ensuring the correct use of a third-party component, updating a bug fix, or adding an improvement. A cookbook version is defined using syntax and operators, may be associated with environments, cookbook metadata, and/or run-lists, and may be frozen (to prevent unwanted updates from being made).

A cookbook version is maintained just like a cookbook, with regard to source control, uploading it to the Chef Infra Server, and how Chef Infra Client applies that cookbook when configuring nodes.

The /cookbooks/NAME/VERSION endpoint has the following methods: DELETE, GET, and PUT.


The DELETE method is used to delete a cookbook version.

This method has no parameters.


DELETE /organizations/NAME/cookbooks/NAME/VERSION


This method has no response body. Unused checksum values will be garbage collected.

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The GET method is used to return a description of a cookbook, including its metadata and links to component files.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/cookbooks/NAME/VERSION

where VERSION can be _latest in order to float to head.


The response is similar to:

  "cookbook_name": "getting-started",
  "files": [

  "chef_type": "cookbook_version",
  "definitions": [

  "libraries": [

  "attributes": [
      "url": " of URL)",
      "path": "attributes/default.rb",
      "specificity": "default",
      "name": "default.rb",
      "checksum": "fa0fc4abf3f6787fdsaasadfrc5c35de667c"
  "recipes": [
      "url": " of URL)",
      "path": "recipes/default.rb",
      "specificity": "default",
      "name": "default.rb",
      "checksum": "7e79b1ace7728fdsadfsdaf857e60fc69"
  "providers": [

  "resources": [

  "templates": [
      "url": " of URL)",
      "path": "templates/default/chef-getting-started.txt.erb",
      "specificity": "default",
      "name": "chef-getting-started.txt.erb",
      "checksum": "a29d6f2545sdffds1f140c3a78b1fe"
  "root_files": [
      "url": " of URL)",
      "path": ".DS_Store",
      "specificity": "default",
      "name": ".DS_Store",
      "checksum": "c107b500aafd12asdffdsdf5c2a7d6"
      "url": " of URL)",
      "path": "metadata.json",
      "specificity": "default",
      "name": "metadata.json",
      "checksum": "20f09570e54dasdf0f3ae01e6401c90f"
      "url": " of URL)",
      "path": "metadata.rb",
      "specificity": "default",
      "name": "metadata.rb",
      "checksum": "71027aefasd487fdsa4cb6994b66ed"
      "url": " of URL)",
      "path": "README.rdoc",
      "specificity": "default",
      "name": "README.rdoc",
      "checksum": "8b9275e56fee974easdfasdfbb729"
  "name": "getting-started-0.4.0",
  "frozen?": false,
  "version": "0.4.0",
  "json_class": "Chef::CookbookVersion",
  "metadata": {
    "maintainer": "Maintainer",
    "attributes": { },
    "suggestions": { },
    "recipes": { "getting-started": "" },
    "dependencies": { },
    "platforms": { },
    "groupings": { },
    "recommendations": { },
    "name": "getting-started",
    "description": "description",
    "version": "0.4.0",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "long_description": "= DESCRIPTION:\n\nThis cookbook is used to do some things.\n\n",
    "providing": { "getting-started": ">= 0.0.0" },
    "replacing": { },
    "conflicting": { },
    "license": "Apache 2.0"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The PUT method is used to create or update a cookbook version.

This method has no parameters.


PUT /organizations/NAME/cookbooks/NAME/VERSION

with a request body similar to:

  "definitions": [
      "name": "unicorn_config.rb",
      "checksum": "c92b659171552e896074caa58dada0c2",
      "path": "definitions/unicorn_config.rb",
      "specificity": "default"
  "name": "unicorn-0.1.2",
  "attributes": [],
  "files": [],
  "json_class": "Chef::CookbookVersion",
  "providers": [],
  "metadata": {
    "dependencies": {"ruby": [], "rubygems": []},
    "name": "unicorn",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "attributes": {},
    "license": "Apache 2.0",
    "suggestions": {},
    "platforms": {},
    "maintainer": "Chef Software, Inc.",
    "long_description": "= LICENSE AND AUTHOR:\n\nAuthor:: Adam Jacob...",
    "recommendations": {},
    "version": "0.1.2",
    "conflicting": {},
    "recipes": {"unicorn": "Installs unicorn rubygem"},
    "groupings": {},
    "replacing": {},
    "description": "Installs/Configures unicorn",
    "providing": {}
  "libraries": [],
  "templates": [
      "name": "unicorn.rb.erb",
      "checksum": "36a1cc1b225708db96d48026c3f624b2",
      "path": "templates/default/unicorn.rb.erb",
      "specificity": "default"
  "resources": [],
  "cookbook_name": "unicorn",
  "version": "0.1.2",
  "recipes": [
      "name": "default.rb",
      "checksum": "ba0dadcbca26710a521e0e3160cc5e20",
      "path": "recipes/default.rb",
      "specificity": "default"
  "root_files": [
      "name": "README.rdoc",
      "checksum": "d18c630c8a68ffa4852d13214d0525a6",
      "path": "README.rdoc",
      "specificity": "default"
      "name": "metadata.rb",
      "checksum": "967087a09f48f234028d3aa27a094882",
      "path": "metadata.rb",
      "specificity": "default"
      "name": "metadata.json",
      "checksum": "45b27c78955f6a738d2d42d88056c57c",
      "path": "metadata.json",
      "specificity": "default"
  "chef_type": "cookbook_version"

where the checksum values must have already been uploaded to the Chef Infra Server using the sandbox endpoint. Once a file with a particular checksum has been uploaded by the user, redundant uploads are not necessary. Unused checksum values will be garbage collected.


This method has no response body.

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
413Request entity too large. A request may not be larger than 1000000 bytes.


Data bags store global variables as JSON data. Data bags are indexed for searching and can be loaded by a cookbook or accessed during a search.

The /data endpoint has the following methods: GET and POST.


The GET method is used to return a list of all data bags on the Chef Infra Server.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/data


The response is similar to:

  "users": "https://chef.example/organizations/NAME/data/users",
  "applications": "https://chef.example/organizations/NAME/data/applications"

shown as a list of key-value pairs, where (in the example above) users and applications are the names of data bags and https://chef.example/organizations/NAME/data/foo is the path to the data bag.

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.


The POST method is used to create a new data bag on the Chef Infra Server.

This method has no parameters.


POST /organizations/NAME/data

with a request body that contains the key-value pair for the data bag and is similar to:

  "name": "users"

where (in the example above) name is the key and “users” is the value.


The response is similar to:

   "uri": "https://organizations/NAME/data/users",

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
201Created. The object was created.
400Bad request. The contents of the request are not formatted correctly.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
409Conflict. A databag with that name already exists.
413Request entity too large. A request may not be larger than 1000000 bytes.


The /data/NAME endpoint is used to view and update data for a specific data bag. This endpoint has the following methods: DELETE, GET, and POST.


The DELETE method is used to delete a data bag.

This method has no parameters.


DELETE /organizations/NAME/data/NAME

This method has no request body.


The response is similar to:

  "name": "users",
  "json_class": "Chef::DataBag",
  "chef_type": "data_bag"

where the key-value pairs represent the last state of the data bag item.

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The GET method is used to return a hash of all entries in the specified data bag.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/data/NAME


The response is similar to:

   "adam": "https://chef.example/organizations/NAME/data/users/adam"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The POST method is used to create a new data bag item.

This method has no parameters.


POST /organizations/NAME/data/NAME

with a request body similar to:

  "id": "adam",
  "real_name": "Adam Jacob"

where id is required.


This method has no response body.

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
201OK. The item was created.
400Bad request. The contents of the request are not formatted correctly.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.
409Conflict. The object already exists.
413Request entity too large. A request may not be larger than 1000000 bytes.


A data bag is a container of related data bag items, where each individual data bag item is a JSON file. knife can load a data bag item by specifying the name of the data bag to which the item belongs and then the filename of the data bag item. The only structural requirement of a data bag item is that it must have an id:

  /* This is a supported comment style */
  // This style is also supported
  "id": "ITEM_NAME",
  "key": "value"


  • key and value are the key:value pair for each additional attribute within the data bag item
  • /* ... */ and // ... show two ways to add comments to the data bag item

The /data/NAME/ITEM endpoint allows the key-value pairs within a data bag item to be viewed and managed. This endpoint has the following methods: DELETE, GET, and PUT.


The DELETE method is used to delete a key-value pair in a data bag item.

This method has no parameters.


DELETE /organizations/NAME/data/NAME/ITEM


The response is similar to:


Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The GET method is used to view all of the key-value pairs in a data bag item.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/data/NAME/ITEM


The response is similar to:

  "real_name": "Adam Jacob",
  "id": "adam"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The PUT method is used to replace the contents of a data bag item with the contents of this request.

This method has no parameters.


PUT /organizations/NAME/data/NAME/ITEM

with a request body similar to:

  "real_name": "Adam Brent Jacob",
  "id": "adam"

where id is required.


The response is similar to:


Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.
413Request entity too large. A request may not be larger than 1000000 bytes.


An environment is a way to map an organization’s real-life workflow to what can be configured and managed when using Chef Infra. This mapping is accomplished by setting attributes and pinning cookbooks at the environment level. With environments, you can change cookbook configurations depending on the system’s designation. For example, by designating different staging and production environments, you can then define the correct URL of a database server for each environment. Environments also allow organizations to move new cookbook releases from staging to production with confidence by stepping releases through testing environments before entering production.

The /environments endpoint has the following methods: GET and POST.


The GET method is used to return a data structure that contains a link to each available environment.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/environments


The response is similar to:

  "_default": "",
  "webserver": ""

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.


The POST method is used to create a new environment.

This method has no parameters.


POST /organizations/NAME/environments

with a request body similar to:

  "name": "dev",
  "default_attributes": {},
  "json_class": "Chef::Environment",
  "description": "",
  "cookbook_versions": {},
  "chef_type": "environment"


The response is similar to:

{ "uri": "https://localhost/environments/dev" }

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
201Created. The object was created.
400Bad request. The contents of the request are not formatted correctly.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
409Conflict. The object already exists.
413Request entity too large. A request may not be larger than 1000000 bytes.


The /environments/_default endpoint has the following methods: GET.


The GET method is used to get information about the _default environment on the Chef Infra Server.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/environments/_default


The response is similar to:

  "name": "_default",
  "description": "The default Chef environment",
  "json_class": "Chef::Environment",
  "chef_type": "environment",
  "default_attributes": {

  "override_attributes": {

  "cookbook_versions": {


Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The /environments/NAME endpoint has the following methods: DELETE, GET, and PUT.


The DELETE method is used to delete an environment.

This method has no parameters.


DELETE /organizations/NAME/environments/NAME


The response will return the JSON for the environment that was deleted, similar to:


Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The GET method is used to return the details for an environment as JSON.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/environments/NAME


The response is similar to:

  "name": "_default",
  "description": "The default Chef environment",
  "json_class": "Chef::Environment",
  "chef_type": "environment",
  "default_attributes": { }
  "override_attributes": { },
  "cookbook_versions": { },

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The PUT method is used to update the details of an environment on the Chef Infra Server.

This method has no parameters.


PUT /organizations/NAME/environments/NAME

with a request body that contains the updated JSON for the environment and is similar to:

  "name": "dev",
  "attributes": {},
  "json_class": "Chef::Environment",
  "description": "The Dev Environment",
  "cookbook_versions": {},
  "chef_type": "environment"


The response will return the updated environment.

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.
413Request entity too large. A request may not be larger than 1000000 bytes.


The /environments/NAME/cookbooks/NAME endpoint has the following methods: GET.


The GET method is used to return a hash of key-value pairs for the requested cookbook.

This method has the following parameters:

num_versions=nThe number of cookbook versions to include in the response, where n is the number of cookbook versions. For example: num_versions=3 returns the three latest versions, in descending order (newest to oldest). Use num_versions=all to return all cookbook versions. If num_versions is not specified, a single cookbook version is returned. 0 is an invalid input (an empty array for the versions of each cookbook is returned).


GET /organizations/NAME/environments/NAME/cookbooks/NAME

where the first instance of NAME is the name of the environment, and the second instance is the name of the cookbook.


The response is similar to:

  "apache2": {
    "url": "https://localhost/cookbooks/apache2",
    "versions": [
      {"url": "https://localhost/cookbooks/apache2/5.1.0",
       "version": "5.1.0"},
      {"url": "https://localhost/cookbooks/apache2/4.2.0",
       "version": "4.2.0"}

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The /environments/NAME/cookbook_versions endpoint has the following methods: POST.


The POST method is used to return a hash of the cookbooks and cookbook versions (including all dependencies) that are required by the run_list array. Version constraints may be specified using the @ symbol after the cookbook name as a delimiter. Version constraints may also be present when the cookbook_versions attributes is specified for an environment or when dependencies are specified by a cookbook.

This method has no parameters.


POST /organizations/NAME/environments/NAME/cookbook_versions

with a request body similar to:

  "run_list": [

where @x.x.x represents a constraint for a cookbook version.


The response will return a list of cookbooks that are required by the run_list array contained in the request. The cookbooks that are returned are often the latest versions of each cookbook. Depending on any constraints present in the request or on dependencies a cookbook may have for specific cookbook versions, a request may not always return the latest cookbook version for each cookbook.

The response is similar to:

  "cookbook_name": {
    "recipes": [
        "name": "default.rb",
        "path": "recipes/default.rb",
        "checksum": "12345efg78912346abcddefg789",
        "specificity": "default",
        "url": "https://URL"
        "name": "recipe_name.rb",
        "path": "recipes/recipe_name.rb",
        "checksum": "12345efg78912346abcddefg789",
        "specificity": "default",
        "url": "https://URL"
    "definitions": [

    "libraries": [

    "attributes": [

    "files": [

    "templates": [
        "name": "template_name.erb",
        "path": "templates/default/template_name.erb",
        "checksum": "12345efg78912346abcddefg789",
        "specificity": "default",
        "url": "https://URL"
    "resources": [

    "providers": [

    "root_files": [
        "name": "metadata.rb",
        "path": "metadata.rb",
        "checksum": "12345efg78912346abcddefg789",
        "specificity": "default",
        "url": "https://URL"
    "cookbook_name": "cookbook_name-1.0.2",
    "metadata": {
      "name": "cookbook_name",
      "description": "description",
      "long_description": "",
      "maintainer": "maintainer",
      "maintainer_email": "",
      "license": "license",
      "platforms": {
      "dependencies": {
        "cookbook_name": ">= 0.0.0",
        "cookbook_name": ">= 1.2.3",
        "cookbook_name": ">= 0.1.0"
      "recommendations": {
      "suggestions": {
      "conflicting": {
      "providing": {
        "cookbook_name": ">= 0.0.0",
        "cookbook_name::recipe_name": ">= 0.0.0",
        "cookbook_name::recipe_name": ">= 1.2.3",
        "cookbook_name::recipe_name": ">= 0.1.0"
      "replacing": {
      "attributes": {
      "groupings": {
      "recipes": {
        "cookbook_name": "description",
        "cookbook_name::recipe_name": "",
        "cookbook_name::recipe_name": ""
      "version": "0.0.0"
    "version": "0.0.0",
    "name": "cookbook_name-1.0.2",
    "frozen?": false,
    "chef_type": "cookbook_version",
    "json_class": "Chef::CookbookVersion"
  "cookbook_name": {
     "recipes": [
        "name": "default.rb",
        "path": "recipes/default.rb",
        "checksum": "12345efg78912346abcddefg789",
        "specificity": "default",
        "url": "https://URL"
    "definitions": [

    "libraries": [
        "name": "library_file.rb",
        "path": "libraries/library_file.rb",
        "checksum": "12345efg78912346abcddefg789",
        "specificity": "default",
        "url": "https://URL"
    "attributes": [
        "name": "default.rb",
        "path": "attributes/default.rb",
        "checksum": "12345efg78912346abcddefg789",
        "specificity": "default",
        "url": "https://URL"
    "files": [

    "templates": [

    "resources": [

    "providers": [

    "root_files": [
        "name": ".gitignore",
        "path": ".gitignore",
        "checksum": "12345efg78912346abcddefg789",
        "specificity": "default",
        "url": "https://URL"
        "name": ".kitchen.yml",
        "path": ".kitchen.yml",
        "checksum": "12345efg78912346abcddefg789",
        "specificity": "default",
        "url": "https://URL"
        "name": "",
        "path": "",
        "checksum": "12345efg78912346abcddefg789",
        "specificity": "default",
        "url": "https://URL"
        "name": "CONTRIBUTING",
        "path": "CONTRIBUTING",
        "checksum": "12345efg78912346abcddefg789",
        "specificity": "default",
        "url": "https://URL"
        "name": "LICENSE",
        "path": "LICENSE",
        "checksum": "12345efg78912346abcddefg789",
        "specificity": "default",
        "url": "https://URL"
        "name": "metadata.json",
        "path": "metadata.json",
        "checksum": "12345efg78912346abcddefg789",
        "specificity": "default",
        "url": "https://URL"
        "name": "metadata.rb",
        "path": "metadata.rb",
        "checksum": "12345efg78912346abcddefg789",
        "specificity": "default",
        "url": "https://URL"
        "name": "",
        "path": "",
        "checksum": "12345efg78912346abcddefg789",
        "specificity": "default",
        "url": "https://URL"
    "chef_type": "cookbook_version",
    "name": "cookbook_name-1.0.2",
    "cookbook_name": "cookbook_name",
    "version": "1.0.2",
    "metadata": {
      "name": "cookbook_name",
      "description": "description",
      "long_description": "",
      "maintainer": "maintainer",
      "maintainer_email": "",
      "license": "license",
      "platforms": {
      "dependencies": {
      "recommendations": {
      "suggestions": {
      "conflicting": {
      "providing": {
      "replacing": {
      "attributes": {
      "groupings": {
      "recipes": {
      "version": "1.0.2"
    "frozen?": true,
    "json_class": "Chef::CookbookVersion"
  "cookbook_name": {

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
400Bad request. The contents of the request are not formatted correctly.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.
412Not allowed. A set of cookbooks and/or cookbook versions could not be found that met all of the requirements of the run-list. A cookbook in the run-list may not exist. A dependency may be present for a cookbook that does not exist. A constraint on a cookbook made by a run-list, environment, or cookbook version, may not match an available cookbook version.
413Request entity too large. A request may not be larger than 1000000 bytes.


The /environments/NAME/cookbooks endpoint has the following methods: GET.


The GET method is used to get a list of cookbooks and cookbook versions that are available to the specified environment.

This method has the following parameters:

num_versions=nThe number of cookbook versions to include in the response, where n is the number of cookbook versions. For example: num_versions=3 returns the three latest versions, in descending order (newest to oldest). Use num_versions=all to return all cookbook versions. If num_versions is not specified, a single cookbook version is returned. 0 is an invalid input (an empty array for the versions of each cookbook is returned).


GET /organizations/NAME/environments/NAME/cookbooks


The response is similar to:

  "apache2": {
    "url": "https://localhost/cookbooks/apache2",
    "versions": [
      {"url": "https://localhost/cookbooks/apache2/5.1.0",
       "version": "5.1.0"},
      {"url": "https://localhost/cookbooks/apache2/4.2.0",
       "version": "4.2.0"}
  "nginx": {
    "url": "https://localhost/cookbooks/nginx",
    "versions": [
      {"url": "https://localhost/cookbooks/nginx/1.0.0",
       "version": "1.0.0"},
      {"url": "https://localhost/cookbooks/nginx/0.3.0",
       "version": "0.3.0"}

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The /environments/NAME/nodes endpoint has the following methods: GET.


The GET method is used to return a list of nodes in a given environment.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/environments/NAME/nodes


The response is similar to:

  "blah": "",
  "boxer": "",
  "blarrrrgh": ""

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The /environments/NAME/recipes endpoint has the following methods: GET.


The GET method is used to return a list of recipes available to a given environment.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/environments/NAME/recipes

where the first instance of NAME is the name of the environment, and the second instance is the name of the recipe.


The response is similar to:


The list of recipes will be the default recipes for a given cookbook. If an environment has multiple versions of a cookbook that matches its constraints, only the recipes from the latest version of that cookbook will be reported.

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The /environments/NAME/roles/NAME endpoint has the following methods: GET.


The GET method is used to return the run_list attribute of the role (when the name of the environment is _default) or to return env_run_lists[environment_name] (for non-default environments).


The behavior of this endpoint is identical to GET /roles/NAME/environments/NAME; it is recommended (but not required) that GET /roles/NAME/environments/NAME be used instead of this endpoint.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/environments/NAME/roles/NAME

where the first instance of NAME is the name of the environment, and the second instance is the name of the role.


The response is similar to:

  "run_list": [

Chef Infra Client will pick up the _default run-list if env_run_list[environment_name] is null or nonexistent.

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The /groups endpoint has the following methods: GET and POST.


The GET method is used to get a list of groups on the Chef Infra Server for a single organization.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/groups


The response is similar to:

  "33a5c28a8efe11e195005fsaes25400298d3f": "https://url/for/group1",
  "admins": "https://url/for/groups/admins",
  "billing-admins": "https://url/for/billing-admins",
  "clients": "https://url/for/clients",
  "developers": "https://url/for/developers",
  "users": "https://url/for/groups/users"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The POST method is used to create a group on the Chef Infra Server for a single organization.


POST /organizations/NAME/groups

with a request body similar to:

  "name": "group1",
  "groupname": "group1",
  "orgname": "test",
  "actors": []
  "clients": ["mynode"],
  "groups": ["admins"],
  "users": ["betina"]


The response is similar to:

  "uri": "https://chef.example/organizations/test/groups/group1",

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
201OK. The group was created.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.
409Conflict. The requested group already exists.


The /groups/GROUP_NAME endpoint has the following methods: DELETE, GET and PUT.


The DELETE method is used to remove a group from a single organization.

This method has no parameters.


DELETE /organizations/NAME/groups/GROUP_NAME

without a request body.


The response is similar to:


Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The group was deleted.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The GET method is used to get lists of users and other groups that belong to a group.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/groups/GROUP_NAME


The response is similar to:

  "actors": [
  "users": [
  "clients": [

  "groups": [
  "orgname": "inbetweens",
  "name": "admins",
  "groupname": "admins"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The PUT method is used to update a group on a single organization. Updating the clients, groups and users memberships replaces the definitions for the group. GET the group and merge changes to create the desired member lists.

This method has no parameters.


PUT /organizations/NAME/groups/GROUP_NAME

with a request body similar to:

  "name": "group1",
  "groupname": "groupnew",
  "actors": {
    "clients": ["mynode","addme"],
    "groups": ["admins"],
    "users": ["betina"]


The response is similar to:

  "name": "group1",
  "groupname": "groupnew",
  "orgname": "test",
  "actors": {
    "clients": ["mynode","addme"],
    "groups": ["admins"],
    "users": ["betina"]

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
201OK. The group was updated.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


A node is any device—physical, virtual, cloud, network device, etc.—that is under management by Chef Infra.

The /nodes endpoint has the following methods: GET and POST.


The GET method is used to return a hash of URIs for nodes on the Chef Infra Server.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/nodes


The response is similar to:

  "latte": "https://localhost/nodes/latte"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.


The POST method is used to create a new node.

This method has no parameters.


POST /organizations/NAME/nodes

with a request body similar to:

  "name": "latte",
  "chef_type": "node",
  "json_class": "Chef::Node",
  "attributes": {
    "hardware_type": "laptop"
  "overrides": {},
  "defaults": {},
  "run_list": [ "recipe[unicorn]" ]

where name is the name of the node. Other attributes are optional. The order of the run_list attribute matters.


The response is similar to:

{ "uri": "https://localhost/nodes/latte" }

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
201Created. The object was created.
400Bad request. The contents of the request are not formatted correctly.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
409Conflict. The object already exists.
413Request entity too large. A request may not be larger than 1000000 bytes.


The /nodes/NAME endpoint has the following methods: DELETE, GET, HEAD and PUT.


The DELETE method is used to delete a node.

This method has no parameters.


DELETE /organizations/NAME/nodes/NAME


The response will return the last known state of the node, similar to:

  "overrides": {},
  "name": "latte",
  "chef_type": "node",
  "json_class": "Chef::Node",
  "attributes": {
    "hardware_type": "laptop"
  "run_list": [
  "defaults": {}

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The GET method is used to return the details of a node as JSON.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/nodes/NAME


The response is similar to:

  "name": "node_name",
  "chef_environment": "_default",
  "run_list": [
  "json_class": "Chef::Node",
  "chef_type": "node",
  "automatic": { ... },
  "normal": { "tags": [ ] },
  "default": { },
  "override": { }

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.

The HEAD method is used to check the existence of a node.

This method has no parameters.


HEAD /organizations/NAME/nodes/NAME


The method does not return a body.

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The PUT method is used to update a node.

This method has no parameters.


PUT /organizations/NAME/nodes/NAME

with a request body similar to:

  "overrides": {},
  "name": "latte",
  "chef_type": "node",
  "json_class": "Chef::Node",
  "attributes": {
    "hardware_type": "laptop"
  "run_list": [
  "defaults": {}


The response will return the updated node.

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.
413Request entity too large. A request may not be larger than 1000000 bytes.


The /policies endpoint has the following methods: GET.


The GET method is used to get a list of policies (including policy revisions) from the Chef Infra Server.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/policies


The response groups policies by name and revision and is similar to:

  "aar": {
    "uri": "https://chef.example/organizations/org1/policies/aar",
    "revisions": {
      "37f9b658cdd1d9319bac8920581723efcc2014304b5f3827ee0779e10ffbdcc9": {
      "95040c199302c85c9ccf1bcc6746968b820b1fa25d92477ea2ec5386cd58b9c5": {
      "d81e80ae9bb9778e8c4b7652d29b11d2111e763a840d0cadb34b46a8b2ca4347": {
  "jenkins": {
    "uri": "https://chef.example/organizations/org1/policies/jenkins",
    "revisions": {
      "613f803bdd035d574df7fa6da525b38df45a74ca82b38b79655efed8a189e073": {
      "6fe753184c8946052d3231bb4212116df28d89a3a5f7ae52832ad408419dd5eb": {
      "cc1a0801e75df1d1ea5b0d2c71ba7d31c539423b81478f65e6388b9ee415ad87": {

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.


The /policy_groups endpoint has the following methods: GET.

Each node has a 1:many relationship with policy settings stored on the Chef Infra Server. This relationship is based on the policy group to which the node is associated, and then the policy settings assigned to that group:

  • A policy is typically named after the functional role ahost performs, such as “application server”, “chat server”, “load balancer”, and so on
  • A policy group defines a set of hosts in a deployed units, typically mapped to organizational requirements such as “dev”, “test”, “staging”, and “production”, but can also be mapped to more detailed requirements as needed


The /principals/NAME endpoint has the following methods: GET.


The GET method is used to get a list of public keys for clients and users in order to ensure that enough information is present for authorized requests.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/principals/NAME


For a user or client, the type value will vary. The response body returns an array of principals which allows for a client with the same name as a user. The response for a user or client is similar to:

  "Principals: [
      "name": "normal_user",
      "type": "user",
      "public_key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----...",
      "authz_id": "eca5fdd45a8b4bacc04bbc6e37a340bes",

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The /required_recipe endpoint has the following method: GET.


Use the GET method to view a recipe specified by a Chef Infra Server administrator as part of the Chef Infra Server configuration. This recipe will be run by all Chef Infra Clients that connect to the Chef Infra Server. The required_recipe feature is aimed at expert level practitioners delivering isolated configuration changes to target systems. The returned text is the content of a single recipe file.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/required_recipe

This method has no request body.


The response is returned in plain text, not in JSON format. The response is similar to:

  "# My required recipe
   file '/tmp/build'
   package 'secret_sauce'

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful. Required recipe is enabled, a path to a recipe is defined, and a recipe exists at the path location.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not Found. The required recipe function is not enabled.


A role is a way to define certain patterns and processes that exist across nodes in an organization as belonging to a single job function. Each role consists of zero (or more) attributes and a run-list. Each node can have zero (or more) roles assigned to it. When a role is run against a node, the configuration details of that node are compared against the attributes of the role, and then the contents of that role’s run-list are applied to the node’s configuration details. When a Chef Infra Client runs, it merges its own attributes and run-lists with those contained within each assigned role.

The /roles endpoint has the following methods: GET and POST.


The GET method is used to get a list of roles along with their associated URIs.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/roles


The response is similar to:

  "webserver": "https://chef.example/organizations/org1/roles/webserver"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.


The POST method is used to create a new role on the Chef Infra Server.

This method has no parameters.


POST /organizations/NAME/roles

with a request body similar to:

  "name": "webserver",
  "default_attributes": {},
  "description": "A webserver",
  "env_run_lists": {
    "testenv": {
  "run_list": [
  "override_attributes": {}


The response is similar to:

{ "uri": "https://chef.example/organizations/org1/roles/webserver" }

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
201OK. The request was successful.
400Bad request. The contents of the request are not formatted correctly.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
409Conflict. The object already exists.
413Request entity too large. A request may not be larger than 1000000 bytes.


The /roles/NAME endpoint has the following methods: GET, DELETE, and PUT.


The DELETE method is used to delete a role on the Chef Infra Server.

This method has no parameters.


DELETE /organizations/NAME/roles/NAME


The response is similar to:

  "name": "webserver",
  "chef_type": "role",
  "json_class": "Chef::Role",
  "default_attributes": {},
  "description": "A webserver",
  "env_run_lists": {
    "env1": {
  "run_list": [
  "override_attributes": {}

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The GET method is used to return the details for a role as JSON.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/roles/NAME


The response is similar to:

  "name": "webserver",
  "chef_type": "role",
  "json_class": "Chef::Role",
  "default_attributes": {},
  "description": "A webserver",
  "env_run_lists": {},
  "run_list": [
  "override_attributes": {}

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The PUT method is used to update a role on the Chef Infra Server.

This method has no parameters.


PUT /organizations/NAME/roles/NAME

with a request body similar to:

  "name": "webserver",
  "default_attributes": {},
  "description": "A webserver",
  "env_run_lists": {},
  "default_attributes": {},
  "run_list": [
  "override_attributes": {}


The response will return the JSON for the updated role.

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.
413Request entity too large. A request may not be larger than 1000000 bytes.


The /roles/NAME/environments endpoint has the following method: GET.


The GET method returns a list of the environments that have environment-specific run-lists in the given role as JSON data.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/roles/NAME/environments


The response is similar to:


Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The /roles/NAME/environments/NAME endpoint has the following method: GET.


The GET method returns the environment-specific run-list (env_run_lists[environment_name]) for a role.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/roles/NAME/environments/NAME

where the first NAME is the name of the role and the second is the name of the environment.


The response is similar to:


Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


A sandbox is used to commit files so they only need to be updated one time, as opposed to every time a cookbook is uploaded. The /sandboxes endpoint has the following methods: POST.


The POST method is used to create a new sandbox. This method accepts a list of checksums as input and returns the URLs against which to PUT files that need to be uploaded.

This method has no parameters.


POST /organizations/NAME/sandboxes

with a request body similar to:

{"checksums": {


The response is similar to:


Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful. A hash that maps each checksum to a hash that contains a boolean needs_upload field and a URL if needs_upload is set to true.
400Bad request. The object has already been committed or one (or more) of the objects were not properly uploaded. The payload does not contain a well-formed checksums parameter that is a hash containing a key for each checksum.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
413Request entity too large. A request may not be larger than 1000000 bytes.


Each sandbox has a unique identifier. The /sandboxes/ID endpoint has the following methods: PUT.


The PUT method is used to commit files that are in a sandbox to their final location so that changes to cookbooks will not require re-uploading the same data.

This method has no parameters.


PUT /organizations/NAME/sandboxes/ID

with a request body similar to:



The response is similar to:

  "guid": guid,
  "name": guid,
  "create_time": <get an example of time format>,
  "is_completed": true

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
400Bad request. The contents of the request are not formatted correctly.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.
413Request entity too large. A request may not be larger than 1000000 bytes.

Search indexes allow queries to be made for any type of data that is indexed by the Chef Infra Server, including data bags (and data bag items), environments, nodes, and roles. A defined query syntax is used to support search patterns like exact, wildcard, range, and fuzzy. A search is a full-text query that can be done from several locations, including from within a recipe, by using the search subcommand in knife, the search method in the Chef Infra Language, the search box in the Chef management console, and by using the /search or /search/INDEX endpoints in the Chef Infra Server API. The search engine is based on Elasticsearch and is run from the Chef Infra Server.

The /search endpoint allows nodes, roles, data bags, environments to be searched. This endpoint has the following methods: GET.


At the end of every Chef Infra Client run, the node object is saved to the Chef Infra Server. From the Chef Infra Server, each node object is then added to the Apache Solr search index. This process is asynchronous. By default, node objects are committed to the search index every 60 seconds or per 1000 node objects, whichever occurs first.


This endpoint does not have any ACL restrictions, which means it may be used by any user or client that is able to make the request to the Chef Infra Server.


The GET method is used to return a data structure that contains links to each available search index. By default, the role, node, client, and data bag indexes will always be available (where the data bag index is the name of the data bag on the Chef Infra Server). Search indexes may lag behind the most current data at any given time. If a situation occurs where data needs to be written and then immediately searched, an artificial delay (of at least 10 seconds) is recommended.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/search

This method has no request body.


The response is similar to:

  "node": "https://chef.example/organizations/org1/search/node",
  "role": "https://chef.example/organizations/org1/search/role",
  "client": "https://chef.example/organizations/org1/search/client",
  "users": "https://chef.example/organizations/org1/search/users"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.


Use the /search/INDEX endpoint to access the search indexes on the Chef Infra Server. The /search/INDEX endpoint has the following methods: GET and POST.

A search query is comprised of two parts: the key and the search pattern. A search query has the following syntax:


where key is a field name that is found in the JSON description of an indexable object on the Chef Infra Server (a role, node, client, environment, or data bag) and search_pattern defines what will be searched for, using one of the following search patterns: exact, wildcard, range, or fuzzy matching. Both key and search_pattern are case-sensitive; key has limited support for multiple character wildcard matching using an asterisk ("*") (and as long as it is not the first character).


The GET method is used to return all of the data that matches the query in the GET request.

This method has the following parameters:

qThe search query used to identify a list of items on a Chef Infra Server. This option uses the same syntax as the knife search subcommand.
rowsThe number of rows to be returned.
startThe row at which return results begin.


GET /organizations/NAME/search/INDEX


The response contains the total number of rows that match the request and for a node index search is similar to:

 "total": 1,
 "start": 0,
 "rows": [
     "automatic": {"hardware_type": "laptop"},
     "chef_environment": "_default",
     "chef_type": "node",
     "default": {}
     "json_class": "Chef::Node",
     "name": "latte",
     "normal": {},
     "override": {"hardware_type": "laptop"},
     "run_list": ["recipe[unicorn]"]

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


A partial search query allows a search query to be made against specific attribute keys that are stored on the Chef Infra Server. A partial search query can search the same set of objects on the Chef Infra Server as a full search query, including specifying an object index and providing a query that can be matched to the relevant index. While a full search query will return an array of objects that match (each object containing a full set of attributes for the node), a partial search query will return only the values for the attributes that match. One primary benefit of using a partial search query is that it requires less memory and network bandwidth while Chef Infra Client processes the search results. The attributes to be returned by the partial search are specified in the request JSON body.

This method has the following parameters:

qThe search query used to identify a list of items on a Chef Infra Server. This option uses the same syntax as the search subcommand.
rowsThe number of rows to be returned.
startThe row at which return results begin.


POST /organizations/NAME/search

with a request body similar to:

  "name": [ "name" ],
  "ip": [ "ipaddress" ],
  "kernel_version": [ "kernel", "version" ]


The response is similar to:

  "rows": [
      "url": "https://chef.example/organization/org1/nodes/latte",
      "data": {
        "name": "latte",
        "ip": "",
        "kernel_version": {"linux": "1.2.3"}

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
413Request entity too large. A request may not be larger than 1000000 bytes.


Use the /universe endpoint to retrieve the known collection of cookbooks, and then use it with Berkshelf and Chef Supermarket.

The /universe endpoint has the following methods: GET.


The GET method is used to retrieve the universe data.

This method has no parameters. This method has no request body.


GET /universe


The response will return a json hash, with the name of each cookbook as a top-level key. Each cookbook will list each version, along with its location information and dependencies:

  "ffmpeg": {
    "0.1.0": {
      "location_path": "",
      "location_type": "supermarket",
      "dependencies": {
        "git": ">= 0.0.0",
        "build-essential": ">= 0.0.0",
        "libvpx": "~> 0.1.1",
        "x264": "~> 0.1.1"
    "0.1.1": {
      "location_path": "",
      "location_type": "supermarket",
      "dependencies": {
        "git": ">= 0.0.0",
        "build-essential": ">= 0.0.0",
        "libvpx": "~> 0.1.1",
        "x264": "~> 0.1.1"
  "pssh": {
    "0.1.0": {
      "location_path": "",
      "location_type": "supermarket",
      "dependencies": {}
Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful. One (or more) cookbooks and associated cookbook version information was returned.


The /updated_since endpoint ensures that replica instances of the Chef Infra Server are able to synchronize with the primary Chef Infra Server. /updated_since was part of the Chef Replication product. Chef Replication is no longer available as a product and the /updated_since endpoint is also deprecated. The expectation for almost all chef users is that use of the endpoint will return an http status of 404. The /organizations/NAME/updated_since endpoint has the following methods: GET.


This update is available after Chef replication is installed on the Chef Infra Server.


The GET method is used to return the details of an organization as JSON.


GET /organizations/NAME/updated_since?seq=NUM

where NUM is the largest integer previously returned as an identifier.


The response will return an array of paths for objects that have been created, updated, or deleted since NUM, similar to:

    "action": "create",
    "id": 1,
    "path": "/roles/foo"
    "action": "create",
    "id": 2,
    "path": "/roles/foo2"
    "action": "create",
    "id": 3,
    "path": "/roles/foo3"
    "action": "update",
    "id": 4,
    "path": "/roles/foo3"

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name, and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist or the function is not implemented.


A user may be associated with an organization.

The /users endpoint has the following methods: GET and POST.


The GET method is used to return an array of usernames for users associated with an organization.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/users

This method has no request body.


The response is similar to:

  { "user": { "username": "paperlatte" } }

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.


The POST method is used to associate a user with an organization immediately. Superuser only.

This method has no parameters.


POST /organizations/NAME/users

with a request body similar to:

  "username": "paperlatte",

where username is the name of the user to be associated.


No response block is returned.

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
201Created. The user was associated with the organization.
400Bad request. The contents of the request are not formatted correctly.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
409Conflict. The user is already associated.


The /users/NAME endpoint has the following methods: DELETE, GET.


The DELETE method is used to delete a user association with an organization.

This method has no parameters.


DELETE /organizations/NAME/users/NAME


The response will return the end state of the user, similar to:

  "username": "paperlatte"
  "email": "latte",
  "display_name": "Ms. Latte",
  "first_name": "Paper",
  "last_name": "Latte",
  "public_key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- ... "

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful. The user association was removed.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The GET method is used to return the details of a user as JSON.

This method has no parameters.


GET /organizations/NAME/users/NAME


The response is similar to:

  "username": "paperlatte"
  "email": "latte",
  "display_name": "Ms. Latte",
  "first_name": "Paper",
  "last_name": "Latte",
  "public_key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- ... "

Response Codes

Response CodeDescription
200OK. The request was successful.
401Unauthorized. The user or client who made the request could not be authenticated. Verify the user/client name and that the correct key was used to sign the request.
403Forbidden. The user who made the request is not authorized to perform the action.
404Not found. The requested object does not exist.


The following sections show examples of using the Chef Infra Server API.

Query for Users and Orgs

The following example shows how to query the Chef Infra Server API for a listing of organizations and users. The /organizations and /users endpoints may only be accessed by the pivotal user, which is a user account that is created by Chef during the installation of the Chef Infra Server.

Run the following from a .chef directory that contains a pivotal.rb file:

require 'chef'
require 'chef/server_api'

rest =[:chef_server_url])
orgs = rest.get('/organizations')

puts "\n=== Listing of organizations"
orgs.each do |org|
  puts org

puts "\n=== Listing of Users"
users = rest.get('/users')
users.each do |user|
  puts user

An example of a .chef/pivotal.rb file is shown below:

current_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
node_name 'pivotal'
chef_server_url ''
chef_server_root ''
client_key "#{current_dir}/pivotal.pem"


The pivotal.pem file must exist in the specified location and the IP addresses must be correct for the Chef Infra Server.

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