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AWS Marketplace

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Chef provides Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) for Chef Automate and Chef Infra Server that can be launched from the AWS Marketplace. Hourly metered billing and Bring Your Own License (BYOL) options are available.

Metered AMI

The Chef Automate Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is preinstalled with Chef Automate and Chef Infra Server on a single instance. When using the metered billing AMI, an hourly aggregate of your Chef Automate usage is calculated and billed through your Amazon Web Services (AWS) account. Follow the steps in the sections below to use the Chef Automate metered billing AMI:

Accept software terms

  1. Login to the AWS Marketplace using your Amazon Web Services (AWS) account credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Chef Automate product page and accept the software terms.

Create S3 bucket and access role

If you wish to use Chef Automate’s built-in S3 backup support, or if you want to bring your own license, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the S3 Console and create an S3 bucket in the region where you intend to launch the Chef Automate AMI.
  2. Copy the S3 bucket ARN.
  3. Navigate to the IAM Role section in the AWS console.
  4. Create an access policy for your bucket that allows listing, getting, putting, deleting and multi-part uploads to your bucket ARN. You can use the following example with your bucket ARN in the Resource arrays:
  "Statement": [
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": [
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": [
  "Version": "2012-10-17"
  1. Create an IAM role for your instance.
  2. Attach the S3 bucket access policy to the role.

Launch the Metered AMI

  1. Navigate back to the Chef Automate product page and continue to the launch wizard.
  2. Click the ‘Launch with EC2 Console’ button next to the desired region.
  3. Configure the Amazon EC2 instance type, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) settings, SSH key pair, IAM Role and assign a public IP address.
  4. Increase the root volume size to a minimum of 30GB. You might consider even larger if you have hundreds of nodes or need to maintain months of node visibility data.
  5. Launch the Amazon Machine Image (AMI).
  6. Install Chef Workstation.

Bring Your Own License (BYOL) AMI

The Chef Automate Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is preinstalled with Chef Automate and Chef Infra Server on a single instance. The BYOL image includes a 30 day trial license, but it can also be configured to use an existing Chef Automate license that you have procured from Chef. Follow the steps in the sections below to use the Chef Automate metered billing AMI:

Accept software terms

  1. Login to the AWS Marketplace using your Amazon Web Services (AWS) account credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Chef Automate product page and accept the software terms.

Create S3 bucket and access role

If you wish to use Chef Automate’s built-in S3 backup support, or if you want to bring your own license, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the S3 Console and create an S3 bucket in the region where you intend to launch the Chef Automate AMI.

  2. Select your bucket in the console and upload your Chef Automate delivery.license file. Ensure that you’ve restricted access to the file, and that it is not publicly readable. If you do not have a license, skip this step.


    Placing your license file in S3 is not a requirement for using the BYOL functionality, the instance just needs a fully-qualified URL to the license file. For the sake of these instructions we’re using S3 to safely store the file and make it accessible to the Chef Automate instance.
  3. Copy the S3 bucket ARN.

  4. Navigate to the IAM Role section in the AWS console.

  5. Create an access policy for your bucket that allows listing, getting, putting, deleting and multi-part uploads to your bucket ARN. You can use the following example with your bucket ARN in the Resource arrays:

  "Statement": [
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": [
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": [
  "Version": "2012-10-17"
  1. Create an IAM role for your instance.
  2. Attach the S3 bucket access policy to the role.

Launch the BYOL AMI

  1. Navigate back to the Chef Automate product page and continue to the launch wizard.

  2. If you’re using your own license, create and copy a pre-signed link with the AWS command line tools and save it. For example:

    aws s3 presign yourbucket/delivery.license
  3. Configure all fields in the CloudFormation template. Use the pre-signed license URL for the LicenseUrl field.

  4. Associate the IAM role for backup access.

  5. Run the CloudFormation template to create the Chef Automate instance.

Install Chef Workstation

While the Amazon Machine Images (AMI) for Chef Automate is provisioning, download and install Chef Workstation. Chef Workstation is a collection of tools and libraries that are packaged together to make it easy to develop cookbooks and resources for a Chef / Chef Automate environment. You’ll need this to interact with Chef Automate and Chef Infra Server from the command line.

Configure Chef Automate

After the instance has been provisioned and initial configuration has completed (usually 10 to 13 minutes) finish configuring Chef Automate and Chef Infra Server.

  1. Access the initial configuration page by loading /biscotti/setup route. Build the URL by prepending https:// and appending /biscotti/setup to the IP address or public hostname that was automatically assigned to the instance when the Amazon Machine Images (AMI) was launched. For example, https://<fqdn>/biscotti/setup. If you used the BYOL image, the CloudFormation stack will have the setup URL in the Outputs section.


    In order to use TLS/SSL for the Web UI and API, the Amazon Machine Images (AMI) will automatically create and use a self-signed certificate. Modern web browsers typically warn about self-signed certificates during login; however, in this case, you can ignore the warning and accept the certificate.
  2. Use the AWS console or command line tools to determine the Instance ID of your Chef Automate instance. The instance ID is required for authorization to access the setup page.

  3. Fill out the setup form and submit it.

  4. Follow the link and log into the Chef Automate webui.

Configure the workstation

  1. Download and extract the file to a directory on the workstation. Open a command prompt and change into the chef-repo directory extracted from the starter kit. For example:

    cd ~/Downloads
    cd starter_kit/chef-repo
  2. Run knife client list to test the connection to the Chef Infra Server. The command should return <orgname>-validator, where <orgname> is the name of the organization that was created previously.

Configure backups

Follow the Workflow instructions for configuring backups.


Required ports

The following are recommended security group rules for Chef Automate from the AWS Marketplace:

443HTTPS for Chef Automate webui
8989Git access for the delivery-cli and workflow

Change the hostname

To update the hostname, do the following:

  1. Run sudo -i to gain administrator privileges.

  2. Run chef-marketplace-ctl hostname to view the current hostname.

  3. Configure the api_fqdn in /etc/chef-marketplace/marketplace.rb

    echo 'api_fqdn "<>"' | sudo tee -a /etc/chef-marketplace/marketplace.rb
  4. Run chef-marketplace-ctl reconfigure to update Chef Automate and Chef Infra Server configuration.

  5. Run chef-server-ctl stop to stop Chef Infra Server.

  6. Run automate-ctl stop to stop Chef Automate.

  7. Run chef-marketplace-ctl hostname <> to update the hostname.

  8. Run automate-ctl reconfigure to ensure Chef Automate has been correctly configured with the new hostname.

  9. Run chef-server-ctl reconfigure to ensure Chef Infra Server has been correctly configured with the new hostname.

  10. Run automate-ctl restart to restart Chef Automate

  11. Run chef-server-ctl restart to restart Chef server

Change instance size

To edit the Amazon Machine Images (AMI) instance size, do the following:

  1. Login using SSH to access the Chef Automate instance. Use the SSH key pair and the IP address or public hostname that was automatically assigned when the Amazon Machine Images (AMI) was launched. The default user is ec2-user. For example:

    ssh -i /path/to/ssh_key.pem ec2-user@<instance IP address>
  2. Stop the Chef Infra Server services:

    sudo chef-server-ctl stop
  3. Stop then Chef Automate services:

    sudo automate-ctl stop
  4. Navigate to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) instance in the AWS Management Console.

  5. From the Actions dropdown, select Instance State, and then Stop.

  6. After the instance transitions to Stopped, edit the instance size. From the Actions dropdown, select Instance Settings, and then Change Instance Type.

  7. From the dropdown, select the desired instance size, and then click Apply.

  8. From the Actions dropdown, select Instance State, and then click Start.

  9. After the instance has started it will have a new public IP address and public DNS.

  10. Use SSH to log into the new instance. Use the SSH key pair and new IP address:

    ssh -i /path/to/ssh_key.pem ec2-user@<instance IP address>
  11. Follow the instructions for changing the hostname

  12. Verify that you can login to Chef Automate webui by navigating to https://<YOUR NEW PUBLIC DNS>/e/default.


    In order to use TLS/SSL for the Web UI and API, the Amazon Machine Images (AMI) will automatically create and use a self-signed certificate. Modern web browsers typically warn about self-signed certificates during login; however, in this case, you can ignore the warning and accept the certificate.
  13. Open a command prompt and change into your chef-repo directory.

  14. Open .chef/config.rb in a text editor and modify the chef_server_url with your new public DNS. For example:

vim ~/chef-repo/.chef/config.rb

will open a config.rb file similar to:

current_dir = ::File.dirname(__FILE__)
log_level                :info
log_location             $stdout
node_name                'your_username'
client_key               "#{current_dir}/your_username.pem"
validation_client_name   'your_orgname-validator'
validation_key           "#{current_dir}/your_orgname-validator.pem"
chef_server_url          'https://<YOUR NEW PUBLIC DNS>/organizations/your_org'
cookbook_path            ["#{current_dir}/../cookbooks"]
  1. Open .chef/pivotal.rb in a text editor and modify the chef_server_url and chef_server_root with your new public DNS. For example:

    vim ~/chef-repo/.chef/pivotal.rb

    will open a pivotal.rb file similar to:

    node_name        'pivotal'
    chef_server_url  '<YOUR NEW PUBLIC DNS>'
    chef_server_root '<YOUR NEW PUBLIC DNS>'
    client_key       ::File.join(__dir__, 'pivotal.pem')
  2. Run knife ssl fetch to add the Chef Infra Server SSL certificate as a trusted SSL certificate.

  3. Run knife client list to test the connection to the Chef Infra Server. The command should return <orgname>-validator, where <orgname> is the name of the organization that was created previously.

  4. Update the /etc/chef/client.rb on all of your nodes to use the new public DNS. For example:

    knife ssh name:* 'sudo sed -ie "s/chef_server_url.*/chef_server_url ''/"' /etc/chef/client.rb

    Replace with your new public DNS name and your_org with your organization name.

Upgrade Chef Automate

The Chef Automate Amazon Machine Images (AMI) can perform in-place upgrades of all of the pre-bundled software. This makes it easy to stay up-to-date with the latest version of Chef Automate, the Chef Infra Server and Chef Marketplace, while not requiring data to be migrated to the latest published Amazon Machine Images (AMI).

There are three options: upgrade Chef Automate, upgrade Chef Infra Server, upgrade Chef Marketplace; upgrade everything.

To upgrade, do one of the following:

  • Upgrade the Chef Automate package by using the following command:

    sudo chef-marketplace-ctl upgrade --automate


    Chef Automate and Chef Infra Server services will be unavailable while the software is updated.
  • Upgrade the Chef Infra Server package by using the following command:

    sudo chef-marketplace-ctl upgrade --server


    Chef Infra Server services will be unavailable while the software is updated.
  • Upgrade the Chef Marketplace package by using the following command:

    sudo chef-marketplace-ctl upgrade --marketplace
  • Upgrade all the installed packages by using the following command:

    sudo chef-marketplace-ctl upgrade -y

Migrate to Chef Automate on AWS

The process of migrating from an existing Chef Infra Server installation to the Amazon Machine Images (AMI) differs depending on which software version is being used and the location in which it is deployed. In all scenarios, data is first migrated to the latest Chef Infra Server schema, after which it is migrated to the Amazon Machine Images (AMI).

  • Verify that the latest version of the Chef Infra Server is installed by using the platform package manager: rpm -qa | grep chef-server-core and compare the result to the latest version available on the downloads site. If this is not the latest version, download the package, and then upgrade to the latest version.

After verifying that your existing Chef Infra Server installation is up to date, do the following to migrate to the Amazon Machine Images (AMI) instance:

  1. Backup the data on the Chef Infra Server using knife ec backup. This method will export all of your existing Chef Infra Server data as JSON. We’ll then re-import the same data into a new Chef Automate cluster. We use the JSON based backup and restore procedure because the Chef Infra Server data on the Chef Automate Marketplace AMI is stored in shared databases so copying of binary files won’t work.

    mkdir -p /tmp/chef-backup
    /opt/opscode/embedded/bin/knife ec backup /tmp/chef-backup --with-user-sql --with-key-sql
    tar -czvf chef-backup.tgz -C /tmp/chef-backup
  2. Copy the resulting tarball to your Amazon Machine Images (AMI) instance:

    scp /tmp/chef-backup.tgz ec2-user@<MARKETPLACE AMI IP ADDRESS>:/tmp/
  3. Login to the Amazon Machine Images (AMI) and ensure that it is running the latest version of the Chef Infra Server:

    chef-marketplace-ctl upgrade -y
  4. Reconfigure Chef Automate and the Chef Infra Server:

    sudo automate-ctl reconfigure
    sudo chef-server-ctl reconfigure
  5. Restore the backup:

    mkdir -p /tmp/chef-backup
    mv /tmp/chef-backup.tgz /tmp/chef-backup
    cd /tmp/chef-backup
    tar -ztf chef-backup.tgz
    /opt/opscode/embedded/bin/knife ec restore /tmp/chef-backup --with-user-sql --with-key-sql
  6. Open .chef/config.rb in a text editor and modify the chef_server_url with your new public DNS. For example:

vim ~/chef-repo/.chef/config.rb

will open a config.rb file similar to:

current_dir = ::File.dirname(__FILE__)
log_level                :info
log_location             $stdout
node_name                'your_username'
client_key               "#{current_dir}/your_username.pem"
validation_client_name   'your_orgname-validator'
validation_key           "#{current_dir}/your_orgname-validator.pem"
chef_server_url          'https://<YOUR NEW PUBLIC DNS>/organizations/your_org'
cookbook_path            ["#{current_dir}/../cookbooks"]
  1. Run knife ssl fetch to add the Chef Infra Server SSL certificate as a trusted SSL certificate.

  2. Run knife client list to test the connection to the Chef Infra Server. The command should return <orgname>-validator, where <orgname> is the name of the organization that was created previously.

  3. Update the /etc/chef/client.rb on all of your nodes to use the new public DNS. For example:

    knife ssh name:* 'sudo sed -ie "s/chef_server_url.*/chef_server_url ''/" /etc/chef/client.rb

    Replace with your new public DNS name and your_org with your organization name.

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