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Converting Definitions to Custom Resources

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This topic covers migrating existing definitions to custom resources. Custom resources are integral to the modern Chef Infra workflow. While definitions are not yet deprecated, we strongly advise migrating to custom resources immediately in order to benefit from the many features of Chef Infra such as notifications, reporting, why-run mode, and ChefSpec unit testing.


A definition behaved like a compile-time macro that was reusable across recipes. A definition was typically created by wrapping arbitrary code around Chef Infra resources that were declared as if they were in a recipe. A definition was then used in one (or more) actual recipes as if the definition were a resource.

Though a definition looks like a resource, and at first glance seems like it could be used interchangeably, some important differences exist. Definitions:

  • Are not true resources
  • Are processed when resource collection is compiled, not when a node is converged
  • Don’t support common resource properties, such as notifies, subscribes, only_if, not_if, and sensitive
  • Don’t support input validation in passed arguments, unlike a resource which supports validation with properties
  • Don’t support why-run mode
  • Can’t report to Chef Automate
  • Cannot be tested with ChefSpec
  • There are known issues with the definition parameters hash where certain names, timeout for example, will not work. These issues will not be fixed.


A definition had four components:

  • A resource name
  • Zero or more arguments that define parameters their default values; if a default value was not specified, it was assumed to be nil
  • A hash that could have been used within a definition’s body to provide access to parameters and their values
  • The body of the definition

The basic syntax of a definition was:

define :my_definition_name do

More commonly, the usage incorporated arguments to the definition:

define :my_definition_name, parameter: :argument, parameter: :argument do
  body(likely referencing the params hash)

The following simple example shows a definition with no arguments (a parameterless macro in the truest sense):

define :prime_myfile do
  file '/etc/myfile' do
    content 'some content'

An example showing the use of parameters, with a parameter named port that defaults to 4000 rendered into a template resource, would look like:

define :prime_myfile, port: 4000 do
   template '/etc/myfile' do
     source 'myfile.erb'
       port: params[:port],

Or the following definition, which looks like a resource when used in a recipe, but also contained directory and file resources that were repeated, but with slightly different parameters:

define :host_porter, port: 4000, hostname: nil do
  params[:hostname] ||= params[:name]

  directory '/etc/#{params[:hostname]}' do
    recursive true

  file '/etc/#{params[:hostname]}/#{params[:port]}' do
    content 'some content'

which was then used in a recipe like this:

host_porter node['hostname'] do
  port 4000

host_porter 'www1' do
  port 4001

Migrating to Custom Resources

We highly recommend migrating existing definitions to custom resources to unlock the full feature set of Chef Infra resources. The following example shows a definition and that same definition rewritten as a custom resource.

Initial Definition Code

The following definition processes unique hostnames and ports, passed on as parameters:

define :host_porter, port: 4000, hostname: nil do
  params[:hostname] ||= params[:name]

  directory '/etc/#{params[:hostname]}' do
    recursive true

  file '/etc/#{params[:hostname]}/#{params[:port]}' do
    content 'some content'

Migrated to a Custom Resource

The definition is improved by rewriting it as a custom resource. This uses properties to accept input and has a single :create action:

property :port, Integer, default: 4000
property :hostname, String, name_property: true

action :create do
  directory "/etc/#{hostname}" do
    recursive true

  file "/etc/#{hostname}/#{port}" do
    content 'some content'

Once written, a custom resource may be used in a recipe just like any resource that is built into Chef Infra. A custom resource gets its name from the cookbook and the name of its file in the /resources directory with an underscore (_) separating them. For example, a cookbook named host with a custom resource file named porter.rb in the /resources directory would be called host_porter. Use it in a recipe like this:

host_porter node['hostname'] do
  port 4000


host_porter 'www1' do
  port 4001

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