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Deprecation: Cloud plugin replaced by the Cloud_V2 plugin (OHAI-8)

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In Ohai/Chef releases 13 we replaced the existing Cloud plugin with the Cloud_v2 plugin. This was done by having the Cloud_v2 plugin populate both node['cloud'] and node['cloud_v2']. The Cloud_v2 plugin includes a different data format that resolves many of the longstanding bugs in the existing Cloud plugin.


If you have a cookbook that relies on data from node['cloud'] you will need to update the code to the new format in Chef Client 13. On a Chef Client 12 or earlier node you can compare the data formats by running ohai cloud and ohai cloud_v2.

Here are examples of the old and new format of the cloud data:

  "public_ips": [
  "private_ips": [
  "public_ipv4": "",
  "public_hostname": "",
  "local_ipv4": "",
  "local_hostname": "",
  "provider": "ec2"
  "public_ipv4_addrs": [
  "local_ipv4_addrs": [
  "public_hostname": "",
  "local_hostname": "",
  "public_ipv4": "",
  "local_ipv4": "",
  "provider": "ec2"

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